For Immediate Release
Innovative auction mart project; a new way to communicate
(Calgary, Alberta) October 7, 2009 – Alberta Beef Producers (ABP) and the Canadian Cattlemen’s Association (CCA) will soon be reaching producers with an exciting new joint project.
Large flat screen monitors will be available for all auction marts across Alberta. These monitors will broadcast information from ABP and CCA, cattle prices from CanFax, drought information, and weather maps unique to each regional area, Alberta Agriculture information, local auction mart sales information, plus much more.
“As part of a pilot program, we have a monitor broadcasting live at Vold Jones and Vold Auction Co. in Ponoka and another one ready to be installed at Perlich Bros. Auction Mart in Lethbridge,” said Brent Carey, ABP Communications Committee Chair. “We are looking forward to contacting the other 25 auction marts in the province within the next week to see if they are interested in coming on board as well.”
CCA’s vision is to have auction marts across Canada carry the monitors.
The Communications Committee is excited to take on this project because it means a new way to get messaging to producers. By placing the monitors in auction marts, we are reaching producers in a gathering place and giving them easy access to information pertinent to their operations.
Because of funding made available through the Alberta Livestock and Meat Agency, auction marts will have the monitors made available at no cost.
Innovative auction mart project; a new way to communicate
(Calgary, Alberta) October 7, 2009 – Alberta Beef Producers (ABP) and the Canadian Cattlemen’s Association (CCA) will soon be reaching producers with an exciting new joint project.
Large flat screen monitors will be available for all auction marts across Alberta. These monitors will broadcast information from ABP and CCA, cattle prices from CanFax, drought information, and weather maps unique to each regional area, Alberta Agriculture information, local auction mart sales information, plus much more.
“As part of a pilot program, we have a monitor broadcasting live at Vold Jones and Vold Auction Co. in Ponoka and another one ready to be installed at Perlich Bros. Auction Mart in Lethbridge,” said Brent Carey, ABP Communications Committee Chair. “We are looking forward to contacting the other 25 auction marts in the province within the next week to see if they are interested in coming on board as well.”
CCA’s vision is to have auction marts across Canada carry the monitors.
The Communications Committee is excited to take on this project because it means a new way to get messaging to producers. By placing the monitors in auction marts, we are reaching producers in a gathering place and giving them easy access to information pertinent to their operations.
Because of funding made available through the Alberta Livestock and Meat Agency, auction marts will have the monitors made available at no cost.