A thought occurred to me today Sawbones - why should the cow/calf man have to sign up the 100,000 head and own the plant? Wouldn't it be a lot simpler if a big feedlot did? They have the numbers of cattle, and the incentive to do it if a contract were available from retailers on the 100k headage. That way there wouldn't be 101 different producers to try and get singing off the same sheet and investing. The feedlot would be well set up to supply identical product week in and week out. I think that would give a feedlot a bit of security as well knowing they didn't have to depend on the no-competition "open market" when selling. They would be free to source and buy calves where ever they liked and to whatever protocols they set.
If this isn't an attractive deal to a large feedlot why should it be to cow/calf guys?
If this isn't an attractive deal to a large feedlot why should it be to cow/calf guys?