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Heavy Hand of the CFIA ---- Victimizes a Canadian Cattleman.

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    Maybe what we need to do to push this issue is to take a little bit more of an aggressive approach. Like tell the CFIA that we are going to begin a general protest beginning at a certain date on which we all cut all of the ear tags off of the animals that we are shipping for the next month(s).

    If hundreds of shippers - butcher cattle, cull cows, stockers and feeders all included - the CFIA will have a hard time pressing charges against everyone.

    This country has become far too complacent about costly government intervention in the affairs of primary food producers with too much cost and too few benefits to the farmers and ranchers who do all of the work.


      Maybe there is an advantage to hairy eared cattle? We certainly don't lose 1% of the RFID type, granted the management or barcode dangle tags are poorer. I have a home reared 3 year old bull that still has both his original tags on but that's the best i've done on bulls! If I can keep a management tag on a heifer till she rears her first calf that's all I need as I know her by then and never need to read it again.
      I don't think there is any chance this one is getting mothballed so we may as well just bite the bullet and get it done the best way we can. I would back moving to double tagging - one in each ear both of the RFID type although one could be a combined RFID/Dangle type. When they moved to double tagging in the UK it solved a lot of problems - and the cost didn't double as the companies were basically told to produce 2 tags for around the price of the one previous tag.


        We lose the odd RFID in cows, and pretty
        well every RFID in bulls. Our cows look
        like Christmas trees. A floppy
        management tag (we are converting to Z
        tags on the cows, and use them
        exclusively on the calves as they don't
        fall out), a steel numbered tag (like
        the old bangs tag) that gets put in when
        a heifer is first AIed, and RFID tag,
        and if they don't fall out most have a
        DNA collection tag.
        All tags are cross referenced in the
        Calves get an RFID and a Z tag.
        I think we need to be able to rapidly
        track disease and animal health issues,
        and I presented on national ID (and took
        the shots) before it ever became the
        law. I believe in a national ID program
        but am pretty sure it is being turned
        180 from its original purpose and being
        made somewhat untenable. I know food
        safety is not an opportunity, but the
        aspects outside of traceback are rapidly
        becoming a high cost instead of an


          Just did 3 13 to 17 old ranch cows this morning that had lost their dangle tags and now are headed to hamburger heaven.Their heads bob better than Sugar Ray Leonards.I for one would love to watch one of these cfiaers tag one of them old girls.They would probably leave wanting danger pay.


            Minister Ritz was adamant during a Q and A
            session in Mayerthorpe a few short weeks
            ago that the CFIA did not have the budget
            for Tag Cops and he was going to contact
            them to advise them to discontinue the
            practice immediately. I would suggest you
            forward all your info to the Minister's
            Ottawa office and his constituency office
            in Manitoba. Let him see first hand what
            his CFIA is up to.


              I don't know about everyone else here, but when we are going to pasture, and are checking for tags, we look at the back of the tags, not the front. If they've been tagged correctly, close to the head, and they've got any kind of hair in their ears at all, you will not be able to even see the front of the tag without handling the cow.

              Maybe the government should all buy us tag readers at their expense, so we can scan them as they go by?


                first off alflex tags are a joke! That is your first problem. I loose half of them in a year. I switched to ryflex and retention is much better. I hear you with trying to keep a tag in a cows ear with 5 different holes in it. If that cow has that many holes already, she knows how to lose those tags. I'm sorry but its not just blind luck that a cow can lose that many tags.

                Hears a good thought everyone. If anyone does get hurt tagging an old cow or bull, could we sue the CFIA or gov't for unsafe working conditions? What about occupational health and safety? Could they not be roped into fighting this somehow?

                Just wondering?


                  I think Minister Ritz is too busy cleaning up his faux pas in China to be worrying about a hollow promise he made about eartags. The man is a complete clown, I wouldn't be looking for him to ride to the rescue.


                    Ken asked me to post this on his

                    Goodmorning Agriville

                    Thankyou for all the threades relating
                    to my case. I have learnt something
                    from all the comments to date. Here is
                    what I would like to offer back to the
                    I hope this might help other Cattle
                    producers in the future if and when they
                    are faced with these circumstances.

                    I would encourage any and all producers
                    to refuse to pay the Monetary Fine.
                    That is powerful. If you are fined
                    under section 176 or other monetary fine
                    take option # 5 and seek going through
                    an oral tribunal hearing. You cannot
                    sit back and just ignore the fine then
                    all is lost you have to go through the

                    Section 176--- "move or
                    cause movement of an animal or carcass
                    from farm of origin or other premise
                    without an approved RFID tag in place"

                    Please note the following:

                    1)a producer can recieve this fine up to
                    24 months after the date of infraction.

                    2)this fine can and will come by
                    registered mail to you. You cannot
                    phone a CFIA office that sent you this
                    fine because they will not talk to you.

                    3)You have 30 days to file notice with
                    the Review tribunal in Ottawa that you
                    want an oral hearing. THis will be
                    option 5 on the back of your NOtice of

                    4)Once you file notice that you want a
                    hearing CFIA forwarded the evidence they
                    have on you at this time. It is all
                    about intimidation. The folder had
                    about 30 pages of documents etc and
                    witness statements that they received on
                    you. A CFIA lawyer from Calgary wrote
                    and contacted me asking who my attorney
                    was. I responded that I was
                    representing myself and that I didn't
                    want any more correspondence from that
                    lawyer. All information will be sent
                    through the Review committee tribunal
                    All of the above are intimidation

                    5)Some have commented about Application
                    proceedure, different ear tags, Place in
                    ear----THat is what I thought originally
                    but that is not your defence at all in
                    this case.

                    TRANSIT POINTS IE: Inside the trailers,
                    Back to premise of origin in the
                    transient loadout pens and loadout
                    chutes for any loss of RFID buttons.

                    6)Letter to Minister of Agriculture Hon
                    Gerry Ritz-----I have a great letter
                    ready to go to Hon Gerry Ritz and will
                    be cc to alot of other MPs and MLA and
                    will be to the Western Producer. This
                    letter will only go out if CFIA doesn't
                    let this go forward to a court hearing.
                    As a cattleman I want this to come out
                    in the courts to get full ruling on
                    this. I have been coached and have an
                    army behind me already -------------this
                    would be a great case to have in the
                    court room. The awareness will help all
                    Canadian Cattleman.

                    MIN OF AG has the ability
                    to stop this and prevent this to get to
                    a hearing-----We want this case to get
                    to a oral hearing.

                    7)I filed my evidence in a well bound
                    manual. It is about 70-80 pages with
                    pictures. Included are letters to Brad
                    WIldamen CCA pres, Letter to Steve
                    Primrose CCIA chairman, My testimonal
                    of working livestock (processing all
                    cow-calf pairs) up to day before
                    TRANSIT, Day of Transit, Letters from
                    This manual I believe was well done. I
                    had my witness list included also---it
                    contained 40 witnesses. I included the
                    head veterinarians from all seven
                    districts CFIA in Saskatchewan, The
                    head of CFIA Saskatchewan, The inspector
                    and others that were involved in
                    collecting evidence on my case. I have
                    Brad WIldamen and Steve Primrose as
                    witnsesses. Auction Mart Owner and old
                    client Mr. Roy Rutledge from the
                    Assinaboia auction Mart . ROy is a
                    great spokesman and great writer as
                    well. I included 3-4 practicing
                    veterinarians on the witness list as

                    Basically I included people inside of
                    CFIA and others that "hate CFIA". CFIA
                    has become known as PUBLIC ENEMY # 1
                    throughout the country.

                    My request is to have the hearing in
                    ENGLISH and SASKATOON and the earliest
                    timeline is May 15 2010. I will be
                    representing myself and if allowed will
                    have one other known Rancher and
                    personnel friend with me who knows
                    court-room proceedure.

                    Hopefully as long as there is a "case"
                    pending there will be no other charges
                    laid using section 176 till a ruling is
                    completed on this case.

                    At Saskatoon Fall Fair on Nov 13-14 15
                    this story is spreading like "Wild-fire"
                    Producers and veterinarians have come
                    forward and offered me support in a
                    hand-shake and have even asked can
                    cattlemen come forward with $$$ to help
                    this case.

                    Please note at this time I can only
                    bring forth section 176 and make
                    awareness on this issue alone even
                    though there are other issues of CFIA
                    that should be addressed as well. THe
                    fact is that if we can "win" on one
                    issue this can show the Canadian
                    Cattleman how to fight back against a
                    bureaucracy that appears to have so much
                    power at this time.

                    I ask all readers in Agriville to keep
                    spreading this story. Talk to your
                    neighbours, Talk to your veterinarians,
                    Phone CFIA and get them to know about
                    this case. Keep spreading this story.
                    Create an army of awareness across the
                    country. This approach has alot more
                    effect and outcome than just talking or
                    sending a letter to the minister of

                    Ken Habermehl VS. CFIA NOV #0910SKCA
                    0005-RT #1525

                    I am going in to the Canadian Western
                    Agribition this week of NOV 23-28. I
                    will be participating in helping man the
                    CAEPLA booth that had huge success at
                    the Red Deer show a couple of weeks ago.
                    The coaching and methodogy that is being
                    used in this case with CANADIAN FOOD
                    INSPECTION AGENCY CFIA is the same as
                    the highly successful landowner movement
                    that is sweeping the country at this

                    Again thankyou for the threaded
                    correspondence posted on Agriville. All
                    those comments have strengthened my
                    knowledge as I prepare to defend myself
                    against this case.

                    Keeping in touch

                    Dr. Ken Habermehl


                      what interest us is before cattle where turned loose in pasture did he not know these cattle ?
                      as a D-V-M and old cattle rancher who put tac,s in so stupid ! why so many ?
                      we have used them so many times and like them ! [proper application]
                      we have seen cows with that many brands on them coming through, this
                      is cruelity to a animal and should be
                      banned all together .
                      we think we have a better system than u-s-a or any country . with CFIA .
                      yes it needs some inproving !
                      let us all cooperate and work for a better cattle identification .
                      old feedlot friend


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