And I think you are missing the point - if we did have 6 (but preferably 10 )packers in Canada and people ate the same amount of beef producers might be substantially better off due to some competition in the marketplace. Conversely if we increase meat consumption and only have 2 packers, or one, the benefits will not accrue to the producer.
The problem that affects us producers most is not declining demand for beef but our declining share of retail dollar. When our share dropped from 24% to 16%(and not likely lower still)in a space of about eight years that lost us substantially more money than an overall decline in beef sales.
When you talk of declining beef demand where are you talking about anyway? N. America? By all accounts the world demand for beef is increasing as people become more affluent in developing countries. I thought Canada aspired to be a beef exporting nation? Truth is it does but the beef is largely kept captive on this continent by the packer monopolies influence over Government, CFIA/USDA and cattle organisations. Once again the stupididy of targeting the US as our "best" and "only" beef market comes back to bite us in the ass.
"Declining beef consumption" - another false cause of the cattle crisis.
The problem that affects us producers most is not declining demand for beef but our declining share of retail dollar. When our share dropped from 24% to 16%(and not likely lower still)in a space of about eight years that lost us substantially more money than an overall decline in beef sales.
When you talk of declining beef demand where are you talking about anyway? N. America? By all accounts the world demand for beef is increasing as people become more affluent in developing countries. I thought Canada aspired to be a beef exporting nation? Truth is it does but the beef is largely kept captive on this continent by the packer monopolies influence over Government, CFIA/USDA and cattle organisations. Once again the stupididy of targeting the US as our "best" and "only" beef market comes back to bite us in the ass.
"Declining beef consumption" - another false cause of the cattle crisis.