"if the Canadian meat packing business
is so lucrative why did Tyson sell Lakeside?"
a. because they were running under capacity both here and in the US.
b. because they could use their US capacity to kill Canadian cattle if they want to.
c. they are less likely to want to due to COOL.
d. they had a buyer.
I would put all these reasons ahead of lack of profitability.
If we had 10 packers now and were able to increase the producer sale of the retail dollar from 16% back to the 24% it was in 1999 it would raise fed cattle prices $550 per animal - money that could and should be spread between cow/calf and feedlot operators. Only by having competition could producers access this money. Reaching new export markets or marketing more beef using the existing processing channels will not help producers because there is no trickle down effect. That is the cost of having no competition.
is so lucrative why did Tyson sell Lakeside?"
a. because they were running under capacity both here and in the US.
b. because they could use their US capacity to kill Canadian cattle if they want to.
c. they are less likely to want to due to COOL.
d. they had a buyer.
I would put all these reasons ahead of lack of profitability.
If we had 10 packers now and were able to increase the producer sale of the retail dollar from 16% back to the 24% it was in 1999 it would raise fed cattle prices $550 per animal - money that could and should be spread between cow/calf and feedlot operators. Only by having competition could producers access this money. Reaching new export markets or marketing more beef using the existing processing channels will not help producers because there is no trickle down effect. That is the cost of having no competition.