""It was further stated that they would pursue individual members with attractive bids, thus attempting to break up the organization," Lonsberry wrote.....
XL Lakeside is owned by Nilsson Brothers."
Seems to me you all should be a wee bit happier at this point than you appear. If the facts set out above are true, this could be a blatant public violation of s.45 of the Competition Act. A keen-eyed Alberta lawyer well versed in Competition Act issues ought to be able to put this one clean over the right field fence, I should think.
45. (1) Every one who conspires, combines, agrees or arranges with another person
(a) to limit unduly the facilities for transporting,producing, manufacturing, supplying,storing or dealing in any product,
(b) to prevent, limit or lessen, unduly, the manufacture or production of a product or to enhance unreasonably the price thereof,
(c) to prevent or lessen, unduly, competition in the production, manufacture, purchase, barter, sale, storage, rental, transportation or
supply of a product, or in the price of insurance on persons or property, or
(d) to otherwise restrain or injure competition unduly,
is guilty of an indictable offence and liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding five years or to a fine not exceeding ten million dollars or to both.
XL Lakeside is owned by Nilsson Brothers."
Seems to me you all should be a wee bit happier at this point than you appear. If the facts set out above are true, this could be a blatant public violation of s.45 of the Competition Act. A keen-eyed Alberta lawyer well versed in Competition Act issues ought to be able to put this one clean over the right field fence, I should think.
45. (1) Every one who conspires, combines, agrees or arranges with another person
(a) to limit unduly the facilities for transporting,producing, manufacturing, supplying,storing or dealing in any product,
(b) to prevent, limit or lessen, unduly, the manufacture or production of a product or to enhance unreasonably the price thereof,
(c) to prevent or lessen, unduly, competition in the production, manufacture, purchase, barter, sale, storage, rental, transportation or
supply of a product, or in the price of insurance on persons or property, or
(d) to otherwise restrain or injure competition unduly,
is guilty of an indictable offence and liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding five years or to a fine not exceeding ten million dollars or to both.