Canadian producers need the likes of the NCBA as much as they need to fly to the moon.
R-Calf is anti NAFTA, anti free-trade agreements and any other measure they see as being
detrimental to American cattle producers.
And believe me, based on the reactions of the many producers I spoke to recently in regards to
American beef being sold in Canadian grocery stores, had this same shoe been on the other
foot, there's be an equal reaction north of the border.
What would be interesting, however, is a new organization without the baggage and history that
is formed first by auction houses and producers in our border towns and states.
I am especially hopeful Canadians will pay attention to the USDA and DOJ sessions on
competition and profit distribution issues specifically related to agriculture and particularly,
livestock, which are being held this year.
You cannot point to any one factor which is killing this industry. I think of it like AIDS, or for the
honey bee keepers out there, colony collapse disorder. Defenses are down and we're being killed
by any and every disease out there now.
Canadian producers need the likes of the NCBA as much as they need to fly to the moon.
R-Calf is anti NAFTA, anti free-trade agreements and any other measure they see as being
detrimental to American cattle producers.
And believe me, based on the reactions of the many producers I spoke to recently in regards to
American beef being sold in Canadian grocery stores, had this same shoe been on the other
foot, there's be an equal reaction north of the border.
What would be interesting, however, is a new organization without the baggage and history that
is formed first by auction houses and producers in our border towns and states.
I am especially hopeful Canadians will pay attention to the USDA and DOJ sessions on
competition and profit distribution issues specifically related to agriculture and particularly,
livestock, which are being held this year.
You cannot point to any one factor which is killing this industry. I think of it like AIDS, or for the
honey bee keepers out there, colony collapse disorder. Defenses are down and we're being killed
by any and every disease out there now.