In regards to Ritz and his programs here's another thing that burns my arse. Agriinvest and the fact that corporate farms in Alberta are in some cases 2 years late in geting their statements and matching funds. We just received our 2010 agristability fee notice with the statement on it that it is due by April 30th or there is a 20% penalty applied. The gov't has still not got my 2008 agriinvest to me do I get a 20 percent penalty included if and when it ever shows up? ON it and our 2009 too. I already know the answer.
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But people are changing wmoebis. Food Inc. was the 24th most watched movie in the USA last year and that was before Oprah --- is that how you spell her name ----Shit even spell check has Oprah in it...... LOL -- had it on her show.
These are the consumers. These are the people who are paying attention. It is an enormous opportunity for us.
You will always have the "utility" eaters of the world, but their numbers are dwindling while those who are aware are rising. And those who are aware need our story. They are waiting for it and more than glad to hear it.
If we don't do it ourselves, Walmart and Costco will have to keep hiring actors to tell it for them.
How did this beef production post turn into a grain and hog NFU whine? There are still a few of us who believe that our food supply is too important to let the government replace the market. I guess the lessons from the Russian Soviet experiment are already forgotten. We do have an unprecidented challenge with the urban/rural disconnect but I don't think that corrupting the market will help solve that one.
You don't suppose "corrupting the market" might be happening already do you Happytrails? How about the Nillson/NWCBP stand off - wasn't that all about corruption and markets?
Hey guys...maybe we're not so far apart. If I'm reading it right you are against heavy government involvement in our industry and want the market to be as open as possible. Amen to these goals.
Maybe, maybe not...depends on what your definition of an open market is. If you mean open to abuse by corporate manipulation as it is now I'm dead against your aims. Degree of Government involvement should be the least of our worries in the current situation unless of course you are advocating that they would become involved to create a fair and level playing field where primary producers actually have a chance of earning a living from the marketplace.
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