If you really wanted to, and had the money for the lawyers, I am sure you could fight your way out of income tax. Last I looked it was a war tax.
You must be in Alberta regarding the age-verification deal. In most provinces, it's still voluntary. If I was really upset, like you, with the whole deal, I would just sell cattle to an on-farm buyer (with a 2 cent discount/incentive) and get him to slap his own tags in them at his place. Put whatever birthdate he wants on them.
If you really wanted to, and had the money for the lawyers, I am sure you could fight your way out of income tax. Last I looked it was a war tax.
You must be in Alberta regarding the age-verification deal. In most provinces, it's still voluntary. If I was really upset, like you, with the whole deal, I would just sell cattle to an on-farm buyer (with a 2 cent discount/incentive) and get him to slap his own tags in them at his place. Put whatever birthdate he wants on them.