Well it's April 1st - the long awaited ABP freedom day when we can start to decide whether to claim a refund of our levy dollars. How have they prepared for the new era of accountability? Not very well as far as I'm concerned. We were promised at the fall producer meetings that any resolutions passed at zone level would result in written notification to the mover of the resolution from ABP documenting the progress of the resolution at the AGM. AGM was in December - it's April and I'm still waiting. What has happened since December? no board meeting minutes updates on the website although I assume there will have been at least monthly meetings. So what's going on are they too busy spending levy dollars ingratiating themselves with the new ag minister in hopes of getting the refundable levy revoked? Where is the leadership - there is still a crisis going on - is there anybody still working at the ABP palace?
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ABP Freedom Day
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Morning Grassfarmer. Which resolution did you make? I can easily track it down. Did it go to the AGM? If so, it can be found here: http://albertabeef.org/about/agm-resolution-videos/
If it wasn't at the AGM, that means it went to a committee or the board. I know with the Communications Committee for example, we have a resolution that I am currently working on (adding U.S. cow prices to the webite). Now, because this hasn't been completed, a letter hasn't gone out to the producer that made the resolution. If at any point you want to know what happened - give the office a call (or me), I can easily find the information you want. It will only take a second.
As for the board minutes....I didn't realise they hadn't been updated. They will be posted today. That was a simple error on my part. Would you like me to email you the PDFs in the meantime? What is you email address?
I don't mind finding information on anything for you guys. My direct number at the office is (403)451-1179 and my cell number is on my voice mail for after-hours calls. One phone call should be able to answer any questions you may have!
Point is we shouldn't have to phone up to follow our resolutions - we were promised we would be notified and we weren't. There were resolutions forwarded from this zone that were discussed and voted on at AGM, others were sidelined to committee and producers have never been notified of the outcomes nearly six months later.
Once a resolution has been voted on at committee level (board, AGM, etc), then a letter will go out to the producer. If they haven't been voted on (like mine - I had to track down some information to make an informed decision), then no letter would be given until the vote has taken place.
An interesting read. Not being privy to the discussion around this resolution, Lori could you explain the reasoning behind defeating this particular resolution?
“Be it resolved that ABP request the Canadian Cattlemen’s Association lobby the federal government so that all meat imported into Canada comply with any mandatory legislation imposed on Canadian producers.” Zone 7
Hi Per - actually - I'm hoping the video from the resolutions debate will be posted online this week. There were some issues with the tapes, so I'm hoping they will be resolved soon. The last couple of years I've taped the debate because it's important to see what discussion takes place. I'm thinking of trying to use Skype for this year's. Maybe I will try it out at the semi annual meeting. Thoughts guys? Have any of you used Skype before? The beauty of it is that you can watch and listen...and for those with slower internet, you can just listen.
"Be it resolved that ABP supports the BSE class action lawsuit and assist with information sessions that will not only benefit every single beef producer in Alberta but across this country"
Should the board once again decide that they have more pressing matter to deal with, they each have the option of not applying for compensation when the class action is either settled or completed in a trial over a period of 10 possible years. Which will happen if producers across this country do not get out and support this initiative.
This class action rally idea is a gift on a silver platter for an organisation seaching for support, recognition and money.
Well Lori now that you have uploaded the February minutes I see that one of my resolutions was declared redundant (#2 on the levy issue) - no problem there. Two other resolutions are missing without trace although I believe the one on introducing parallel legislation to the US on packer supply etc was given the sideways shuffle to committee level.
The final one I had was defeated and I was never informed. This one;
"Be it resolved that ABP request the Federal government launch immediately an inquiry into the profitability of the beef processing and retailing sectors in Canada.”
Zone 6
By way of explanation we have this:
"CanFax and CCA are doing a study on market power in the processing sector. It is not the role or mandate of ABP to request an inquiry into the profitability of any business or industry sector."
"It is not the mandate of ABP to request an inquiry...." really?? not even it this would possibly identify the root cause of the cattle crisis and allow the organisation to begin to make decisions from a position of knowledge rather than ignorance?
I think this really begins to show where the ABP allegience lies - it is not with producers it is with "industry"
This suspicion is given added strength by the #5 resolution also from my zone which was also defeated:
“Be it resolved that ABP works in conjunction with other agricultural producer organizations with common objectives to the benefit of all cattle producers and the cattle industry.”
Directors had a problem with the wording so it was amended to read:
"Be it resolved that ABP works in conjunction with other agricultural industry organizations with common objectives to the benefit of all cattle producers and the cattle industry.”
The only change was to remove the word "producer" organisations and replace it with "industry" organisations. Hmmm now why would ABP directors object to doing something that represented producers??
The truth is out ABP is not a producer organisation , it will not work with other producer organisations but it will ally with industry organisations.
If ABP was interested in protecting producer interests the directors may instead have amended the resolution by removing the last few words ie "....to the benefit of all cattle producers and the cattle industry.” should simply be "....to the benefit of all cattle producers."
When the truth is exposed why would producers want to keep on submitting their checkoff dollars to an organisation that does not put our interests first??
I have deliberately avoided getting involved in discussions in Agriville but will make one and only one comment here because it is an important issue.
What is being overlooked is that without a strong producer organization like Alberta Beef Producers it will not matter what resolutions get passed. A weak and ineffective producer group that only represents the narrow interests of the few, the NFU comes to mind but there are similar producer cliques out there, can pass all the resolutions that come before it but they will have no effective influence with government or industry.
The Alberta Beef Producers are unquestionably the strongest producer lobby group in Alberta and I would argue one of the most influential provincial producer groups on the national stage as well. Part of that strength came from the secure funding the check off provided. The other part of that strength came from the democratic structure of Alberta Beef Producers.
ABP is being challenged by changes to the check off structure. Separatists, for want of a better word, like for instance Grassfarmer and some large feedlots (strange bedfellows but bedfellows none the less), are going to take this opportunity or for a better word yet, excuse, to justify why they should withdraw their check off and not contribute to the challenge of marketing our cattle and cattle products, contribute their fair share to research, or join the effort to open and defend our international market access for our cattle and cattle products exports.
Whether the excuse is that a particular resolution did not get passed or there is a disagreement with a particular policy position of ABP these separatists and divisionists will justify, at least to themselves in their narrow self interested little minds , why they cannot afford a 3 buck check off.
These misguided separatists and divisionists believe that by weakening the strongest commodity organization in the province and within Canada that their particular clique will somehow gain influence. What the separatists and divisionists cannot see is that with a weakened ABP the cattle industry will be left fractured and splintered without any effective influence at all. I for one think that is what the dearly departed George Groeneveld had in mind in the first place.
The big picture is as Alberta cattle producers we need a strong producer organization that can effectively lobby government, defend our borders and access to international markets from groups like R-Calf, tell consumers our cattle products are safe and nutritious to counter the barrage of false information proprogated by animal rights group like PETA and worse, false food claims constantly made by pseudo health groups who offer advice on what we should not eat but whose real agenda is anti beef and anti cattle production.
Some people like Grassfarmer and other divisionists would have you look at the small picture, a word in a resolution for instance, in order to divert attention from the undeniable big picture need for a democratic producer organization with secure funding to defend and promote the Alberta cattle producer’s interests.
And that is all I have to say about that.
Good to hear from you again FS but i can't buy your rhetoric. You are usually very well researched. In a democratic organization, the wishes of the electorate should be heard. As far as I can recall and Lori can check this out, only one resolution from zone 8 has been passed at the general meeting over the past 5 years. That resolution despite being passed was then over-turned by the executive...not one of the directors of zone 8 resigned or even expressed their opinion on the subject... that's not representation that's dictatorship.
FS - your retoric is astounding. I think it was Solomon who said "where much words abound there is ..... you fil in the blank.
1)I for one remember clearly several zone meeting in 2003 and 04 where the grassroots INSTRUCTED their directors to push for "Govt. Supported Packer Capacity increaces (producer owned I migh mention). The directors platently replyed that they would not support that.
Excuse me - It's not if the direction was right or wrong, BUT that when directors are ghiven a mandate to do something, NOT to carrie out orders from the constituents is tatamount to treason, or at least firing. They should have all resigned.
2) Since 2003 I'm sure you are well aware of how hard it's been for zones to get people to a) come to meeting, b) stand as directors.
That otta tell you something.
It is fairly simple FS. The ABP is the default check-off organisation. Use the money wisely and listen to your electorate and much of it will remain with the ABP. (many are disengaged and many are lazy, ABP will keep those $) Squander the resource and it will be withdrawn. It is my opinion that if a producer is motivated and engaged enough to withdraw the check-off they will be motivated and engaged enough to put it with an organization that is accountable to them.
I wish you would post more often and thanks for posting this time. Your point of view does matter.
Freedom day is right. This is the best thing to happen to the cattle industry in Alberta in years.
I am glad that you posted as well farmerson. It is people like yourself that may even have a chance to change the way ABP has done business in the past. At least you read what others are saying and I believe even "LISTEN" from time to time.
Thanks God for diversity I say. Those who want to follow the old ABP, CCA way of believing in a conventional "value chain" with the end of that chain connected to Cargill are now welcome to follow. Don't even want to include retailers in this pathetic trickle down chain theory as it even makes less sense in my mind.
It is completely "natural" for different groups to follow different leaders and different ideas with a common goal in mind. If ABP has a plan to save the ranchers of this province --- good on em. If someone else has a plan that others believe is better --- good on em too.
Find ways to keep your checkoff dollars coming in farmerson. And by the way --- have I got an idea for you...LOL
AHHHH Democracy at it's finest. CHOICE
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