So sorry for your losses, Kato. With all things being as they are, you sure didn't need that kick in the teeth.
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Ouch!! sorry to hear that Kato and others that have suffered losses or damage. It's frightening the power of nature sometimes.
I heard from the old country yesterday that a farmers wife is missing presumed drown trying to cross a swollen stream on her quad bike at lambing time. They found the bike badly damaged but no sign of the rider.
Oh my! That's the kind of news that makes some hay bales seem insignificant. They're just "stuff", and stuff can be replaced. And the pasture will grow back. Last night all Hubby could think about was that no one get hurt.
The loss of a life is in a whole different class of disaster.
Sorry to her about the horrible fire and the lady perhaps loosing her life. Urbanites on the Calgary radio this a.m. are already whining about the 'weather' and hoping for more sun and heat. They have no idea about the trials those in the country go through when freak blizzards hit--the effect on life and livestock--all they know is they can't drive at Mach 2 coming and going to their jobs in the rarefied air. They want desert-like weather, year 'round and perhaps they are going to get it again this year. Pretty dry out here--the Thurs. night howler just blew snow into the hedges and behind the wind break fences and put tons of vehicles in the ditch. Too little moisture to measure out of what came down yesterday and nothing this a.m. A heavy fog puts more moisture on the ground than what we got yesterday. Another scary spring with hay supplies running low everywhere. Fires this time of year are beyond frightening, especially when the spring winds kick up..sorry for your loss.
The insurance adjuster says "the cheque is in the mail". After all the stories you hear about people having these long drawn out battles with insurance companies, we are pleasantly surprised. They were quick, fair. You can't ask for more than that.
I heard there was a heavy snowfall warning for southern Saskatchewan and Alberta. We're just supposed to get rain, and with what's been going on around here, that's a good thing. There was another bad fire the same day as ours, and our community pasture has been burning for days now.
Take care everyone.
Glad to hear that your insurance company is
on the ball Kato. We had lots of wind here,
a few calf shelters tossed around at the
neighbour's. Thankfully the I-Beam skids on
my shelters hold them down ! We didn't get
any moisture here either, was hoping for a
nice rain but so far only a few drops.
Randy, in some years back when we used to
get a very muddy spring the canoe would
have come in handy in the corral !
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