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Feeding calves?

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    Feeding calves?

    The feeder calf market is dismal to say the least. I sold the big steers off the cows in Sept.(wish I'd sold them all!). I had intended to sell the others this fall but the prices are so poor I am considering feeding them until late Jan. or early Feb. Am I throwing good money after bad? Should I sell now and use the extra feed to buy a few more cows?
    Any thoughts?

    Steve, I can't answer your questions about futures but you are right on about all the other stuff! If life is so tough out here on the farm then we should just quit and get into something else. Nobody is holding a gun to our head and hey, opportunity is knocking! Why live like a second class citizen when you can get out and do something else that makes the bucks? Treat farming like the hobby it is becoming!



      I hear your comment on marketing/use of futures. I higlight the futures/ options side (perhaps sometimes too much) to keep things interesting in the area/get some discussion going. They are only tools that can help a farm manager deal with risk in some cases (forward contracting/hedging) and capture potential price increases after they have sold their crop (with the understanding that they lose money if prices go down).

      The real objective in farming however is being profitable with marketing being one component. Watching costs and achieving good productivity are equally as important.

      A farm manager I respect a lot approaches this topic from the side of the profitable gross revenue/acre. His target on all his crops is $200/acre (more is better but he considers this a bare minimum). If he sees risk on the pricing side, he will take steps to lock in a price for a portion of his crop (with a view of cash flow needs and yield risk in mind). He doesn't worry as much about the market as being consistently profitable - a tough go in the current environment but something he has been able to achieve over the past 25 years he has been in the business.

      I don't know if you have been on board before but welcome. I am looking to some good discussion over the winter.


        everyone is in the same boat. We all widh we knew the answer.



          Good comments on farming today, but...

          Like Charlie, I look at futures as a means to an end, not the end itself!!!

          Remaining competitive reqires that I risk manage, and provide the right product that meets my consumers needs, that I can produce profitably.

          Farming and small business are both in exactly the same boat, if we don't do either, we are gone into the sunset!!!

          Now, when I deal with grain marketers, I need these partners in my farm to have these same objectives or we will both be in trouble...

          The Futures are just a meeting place for buyers and sellers to meet and exchange their grain, at some point in time. I appreciate those who will actually step up and buy my product sometime in the future, they can help me be profitable, if I have control of my costs.

          Now with the CWB and futures, by not allowing my farm access to the futures prices on a daily basis, to cash price if that is my farm's need, is a crime.

          The end of the perpricing system on July 31 is totally unacceptable, as I do not know my quality of wheat then, how can I possibly know the volume???

          If I do not know my volume because of production risk, and the CWB charges me a fee to get out of a basis contract, then do I really have reasonable access to a cash price?

          By the way in the Canola marketing I have done over the last 25 years, no one has ever charged me to put aside a basis contract, and It is against the law for me to deliver someone elses wheat on my permit book to fill a contract unlike the Canola marketing system to fill a contract!!!

          The CWB really needs to get serious about its pricing options, and meet the needs of grain farmers rather than just doing what is easy and fits nicely into the CWB price pooling box.

          A little competition on the CWB basis would really bring wheat production back up, but I guess we are a ways from that, aren't we????


            Tom4cwb, no one has ever charged you for not delivering on a canola basis contract? Either you've never had a basis contract (which I really doubt) or you've never defaulted on a basis contract (which IS possible) or you've defaulted and have been extremely lucky. My experience based on a small number of client non-deliveries on canola basis contracts is that there has been a penalty if the spot basis was stronger ( or narrower if you like) when the delivery was defaulted on than the basis in the contract.

            If I remember correctly, CWB basis contracts can be reassigned to another CWB permit book holder to deliver the product.



              I have always delivered basis contracts that have been priced out, but unpriced basis, have been reduced to the amount I have to deliver.

              Part of the reason is that if a person is careful, and the basis teriminates in the fall, during harvest, without exception the basis has always been higher than when I contracted.

              It is simple then to just have the contract canceled, or have another farmer fill the basis I do not have grain to fill.

              If a grain company is being courtious, and I treat them fairly, being up front when a hail storm hits, or drought, why would this be out of the ordinary?

              This is why I say the elevator companies I do business with are my partners, I want them to be in business next year, and they have been decent and seem to still want to do business with my farm on a long term base as well.

              Is there anything wrong with this type of relationship Lee???



                I agree with everything you said in paragraphs 2 & 3 above, however, how much success have you had getting a neighbor to fill a basis contract that you couldn't? My experience is that in that circumstance, "neighbors" are hard to come by. They shouldn't be because, you're right, fall basis is often much weaker (wider) than summer basis contracts. IT seems to me that there just isn't enough understanding out there among a big chunk of the farming public.

                Of course, this debate is mute if the grain co will let you cancel or default of a basis contract as long as they can source the undelivered grain at a weaker (wider) basis that your contract.

                Again there are problems of understanding. I talked to a producer last week who "cancelled" a basis contract and was thrilled to get out of it (with no grain co compensation) even though his basis was much narrower than the spot basis at the time he cancelled.

                I also agree with your fourth point about informing grain companies of impending difficulties as soon as they become apparent. That, too, is a tough sell. Maybe because there are three "groups" that are high on many farm manager's suspicious list - bankers, grain cos and railways.


                  We also sold in September when prices were good. Had to sell 2 steers couple weeks ago to pay bills. You're right, prices are down quite a bit. We also have 12 that we have kept back to feed out until average weight of 1000 pounds (hopefully March). Prices are supposed to climb by then!



                    The saddest part of what you have just pointed out, is that the TRUST in our industry is at an all time low.

                    Somehow many farmers believe that grain companies, and railways, have it "easy" and that they "owe" us as farmers.

                    I read an interesting discription of WAR.

                    "Origin of Wars: Couvetousness. The desire to get that which belongs to others. This has been the cause of most wars."

                    Many would say that the Prairie grain industry has been in a perpetuial state of war for many years.

                    The lack of respect of some one elses property, intelectuial or real is fueling this war.

                    An unfilled basis contract is the property of the grain company, and is not like a futures position.

                    This is why the fellow who had his basis "forgiven" was right to feel relieved and well treated to not have to deliver it.

                    I have not met an elevator manager, who if it was possible, would give me the grade advantage on the sale of my grain.

                    The art of marketing is knowing the possible, and the reasonable.

                    And Lee, it doesn't matter which grain company I deal with, and it has been all of them, they all want my return business, and if I am honest with them they will do just about anything "possible" to keep my business!!!

                    Now is this not the secret to today's succsesful farm?


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