Steve: you lost me there when you said"this was forced on us but this is good" Are you saying we should be forced to participate in crop insurance? How about we should be forced to grow whatever the govt. decides? This is a slippery slope you are on here! What is best for the majority or what is best for me? Who decides? We have that wonderful institution(CWB) that already adheres to these principals!
As far as "give them food instead of guns" you just don't get it! There is ALWAYS money available for guns!!!! We don't need to give them money for guns...they have it...usually because they won't feed their people! And hey, if we give them food they can buy even more guns!
As far as "give them food instead of guns" you just don't get it! There is ALWAYS money available for guns!!!! We don't need to give them money for guns...they have it...usually because they won't feed their people! And hey, if we give them food they can buy even more guns!