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Alberta Government Releases Age Verification Incentive Program to Increase Compliance - Interview wi

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    Alberta Government Releases Age Verification Incentive Program to Increase Compliance - Interview wi


    Thanks for the good work Shaun and Chuck. The plain talk is welcome. It looks like the definition of mandatory is that you don't get free ID tags without compliance. Works for me. What doesn't work for me is using the term age verification for what is at best birth date reporting. I surmise that it was considered to have greater PR impact by the spin doctors. We should aim for more substance and less spin in my always humble opinion. HT


      "The data shows that even though the process is mandatory below 70% are actually getting RFID tagged. This is concerning to the province and required a response."
      Some doublespeak going on here methinks.
      Remember late last fall when the Government was paying out the second half of last years "age verification incentive program"? The claim then was that producers were getting less money than earlier indicated because there had been such a good take up of age verification. I can't be bothered researching the press releases but I believe they were claiming at least 90% compliance at that time.
      Not for the first time talking out of both sides of their mouth at the same time.


        I read the press release accompanying this announcement and would like someone to explain to me how the following can possibly be true?

        "In accordance with the Animal Health Act, age-verification improves Alberta’s ability to prevent, prepare, respond to, and recover from an emergency situation such as a foreign animal disease outbreak or a natural disaster that may affect public or animal health"

        If only it were true - what you need in the above situations is a TRACEABILITY SYSTEM(knowing which animal has been where and when) not an age verification one. Age verification in these situations is about as much use as an ashtray on a motorbike.


          At risk of changing topics I agree that traceability would be helpful in those situations rather than age reporting. Fortunately we have a system in Alberta called Livestock Inspection Services that would have that information. Other provinces would do well to follow our example. HT


            Has anyone read the "Program Conditions". I have a problem with Government announcing a program that they claim they can change the conditions of, at any time, without notice, and that these new conditions are binding once posted on their website. (see section 9.1)

            It sounds like there could be several types of conditions/contracts, which can apply differently - based upon the timing of the application. Confusing!

            I have a couple questions:
            What is an "AGR-1"? Haven't seen this abbreviation before, and it's NOT in the definitions, as it should be.
            [section 7.2 The Minister may issue an AGR-1 in the name of the Eligible Applicant.]

            Why does this ONLY apply to beef calves and not to beef calves born at dairy farms, or to dairy cows?

            And finally, I know government wants to be able to cover their ass with the issuance of public funds, but why do they need to have access to our farms, books and taxes to do so. Surely, the applicant could provide enough evidence to prove they are a legitimate "applicant" without having a government spook enter their property. I can take my receipts and show them to the government smucks in their office - they are not welcome in my home. Or maybe, I could come to "their" home and drop by for coffee and we can chat about what's wrong with the industry while they accuse me of NOT being a bonafide rancher with X number of calves.


            5.0 Ongoing Obligations
            5.1 An Eligible Applicant who has received payment must ensure that all Eligible Calves have been Age-
            6.0 Payment Calculation:
            6.1 An Applicant may qualify to receive a payment for each Eligible Tag. The payment per Eligible Tag shall be
            equal to the price paid by the Eligible Applicant for the Eligible Tag (not including GST), or $3.00, whichever
            is lower.
            6.2 Payment for the number of Eligible Tags shall not exceed the Eligible Applicant’s number of Eligible Calves;
            6.3 No Eligible Applicant shall claim for Eligible Tags in excess of the number of Eligible Calves under the
            7.0 Payments:
            7.1 An Eligible Applicant cannot assign or defer any payment under the reimbursement component of the
            7.2 The Minister may issue an AGR-1 in the name of the Eligible Applicant.
            7.3 The Minister has the absolute discretion to determine any payments due to or from an Eligible Applicant
            under this Program. The decision of the Minister is final.
            7.4 ARD may deduct from the Eligible Applicant’s payment any amount owing to the Provincial Crown.
            8.0 Audits and verification:
            8.1 In this section, “ARD” includes any agent appointed by ARD to assist with audit and verification under the
            Program. By accepting the Program payment, the Eligible Applicant:
            (a) agrees to provide additional information and records as ARD may require to verify the Eligible
            Applicant’s eligibility for payment from the Program;
            (b) authorizes ARD to obtain information from (and release information to) any government
            department, agency, or other body to verify the Eligible Applicant’s eligibility for payment. The
            Eligible Applicant expressly authorizes ARD to obtain information from CCIA, including CLTS;
            (c) agrees to give ARD access to examine their farming or business operation for the sole purpose of
            verifying submitted information. The Eligible Applicant agrees to make available to ARD all farm
            records, books of account, and income tax returns necessary to verify their eligibility under this
            Program. If the Eligible Applicant fails to provide records within a reasonable time on reasonable
            notice, as determined by ARD, the Eligible Applicant may be required to refund any payments
            received under the Program, as well as forfeit any future payments under the Program.
            9.0 Program Changes:
            9.1 The Minister may change the Program from time to time or may terminate the Program without notice.
            Changes to the Program Conditions are binding on applicants once they are posted on the ARD website
            (www.agriculture.alberta.ca). An application received after the Program Conditions are revised will be
            administered according to the conditions as of the date the application is received.


              An AGR-1 is a tax receipt, like a T4 or a T5. Anyone who's in Agstability already gets them.


                The program doesn't apply to dairy farms because their supply management system delivers a secure income and they don't need a $3 per animal payment. They still have to age verify - they just don't get the tag cost refunded.


                  Whoppeeee. Just sent in my age verification stuff and my tag refund application. Even though I market my own steers and culls and the rest of my critters are sold as purebred stock who don't get nottin out of RFID.

                  I saved the government a bunch by buying my tags at the UFA for 2.29 instead of 3 bucks. I hope they don't pick up on the extra 10% discount I took advantage of when I bought one set of tags on a 10% discount day. I think it was a discount day for guys with no hair left.. Not sure ... It was a while back. Had to send them the invoice so I guess we'll see what kinda super ****hs they have working in the tag subsidy program office. Pretty sure they will have to pay someone almost as much as they have to pay me to administer this thing. Wonder if I will git audited because of the hairless 10% discount day.

                  I think this will allow me to survive for at least one more year in the cattle biz... Thanks to all those who worked so hard to get us this subsidy...LOL I'm heading for the vendors to grab what I can outa my cheque....


                    Ironic, as those who age verified before
                    mandatory to try to extract value from the
                    marketplace got little value. Now those
                    who don't age verify in the mandatory
                    environment are able to extract a premium
                    from the marketplace in the form of a tag
                    payment to encourage age verification...
                    Have to love it when a plan comes


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