We now fatten about 70 cattle/yr health is again not a problem and profit per animal is up. Not an income though just a waste disposal system for our hay and straw for horses business. The bales we cannot sell to the horse trade are used by the cattle.
BSE finished the feedlot, other farmers just to optimisic that things wuold return to pre 3/96.
Consumption has, just about, but not prices.
I can see dust would be a problem anything those bugs can ride on into the lungs.
We live in an industrial area and the air is poluted by alsorts exhaust fumes etc.
The still damp days of Oct/Nov where our real killers.
If your feedlots are on the scale I believe no amount of pre-conditioning will save the need for anti-biotics when mixed.
I did try to find a way to buy without mixing but never did sucessfully.
If you could fill a feedlot pen from one source with the right quality I would think that should be worth a premium.
Has that been tried in Canada?
Regards Ian
BSE finished the feedlot, other farmers just to optimisic that things wuold return to pre 3/96.
Consumption has, just about, but not prices.
I can see dust would be a problem anything those bugs can ride on into the lungs.
We live in an industrial area and the air is poluted by alsorts exhaust fumes etc.
The still damp days of Oct/Nov where our real killers.
If your feedlots are on the scale I believe no amount of pre-conditioning will save the need for anti-biotics when mixed.
I did try to find a way to buy without mixing but never did sucessfully.
If you could fill a feedlot pen from one source with the right quality I would think that should be worth a premium.
Has that been tried in Canada?
Regards Ian