[URL="http://www.realagriculture.com"]<em>Courtesy of RealAgriculture.com</em>[/URL]
Not only does wet weather impact the grain and oilseed markets but it also has an impact on the livestock markets. Feedyards and ranches are in the elements which means with cattle in the elements the impact of dry or wet weather is definitely a factor in the profitability of the producer.
<a href="http://realagriculture.com/category/beef-market-update/" target="_self">Anne Dunford</a> and I discuss the impact of this weather and how it may change the decision making of both ranchers and feedyards through the summer and into the fall. For example, will people hold onto their grass cattle longer, will ranchers retain more heifers because there is ample grass, what have been the changes to cost of gain for feeders and will feeders have a highly competitive fall market for feeder cattle? All this and more in this weeks edition of the <a href="http://realagriculture.com/category/beef-market-update/" target="_self">Beef Market Update with Anne Dunford. </a>
If you cannot see the video below, <a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1w-H_ffee2E">click here</a>
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Not only does wet weather impact the grain and oilseed markets but it also has an impact on the livestock markets. Feedyards and ranches are in the elements which means with cattle in the elements the impact of dry or wet weather is definitely a factor in the profitability of the producer.
<a href="http://realagriculture.com/category/beef-market-update/" target="_self">Anne Dunford</a> and I discuss the impact of this weather and how it may change the decision making of both ranchers and feedyards through the summer and into the fall. For example, will people hold onto their grass cattle longer, will ranchers retain more heifers because there is ample grass, what have been the changes to cost of gain for feeders and will feeders have a highly competitive fall market for feeder cattle? All this and more in this weeks edition of the <a href="http://realagriculture.com/category/beef-market-update/" target="_self">Beef Market Update with Anne Dunford. </a>
If you cannot see the video below, <a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1w-H_ffee2E">click here</a>
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