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Alberta RFID tag program.

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    Alberta RFID tag program.

    The Alberta government says it is now offering its $3 point-of-sale incentive-discount to cow-calf producers at participating animal identification tag dealers across the province.

    The three-year program applies to radio frequency identification (RFID) tag purchases made between January 1, 2009 and December 31, 2012. Eligibility is based on the number of animals a producer has, or intends to have, age verified from the previous year's calf crop.

    For more information on the program or a list of participating animal tag dealers call toll-free 310-FARM (3276) or visit the Alberta Agriculture and Rural Development website.

    Once again, a provincial program that should have been brought in by the federal government. No wonder people in Manitoba are so eager to sign their petitions. Our province would never bring in a program like this. We're lucky if they come up with their share of the Aggravation program.


    Whats the average falling number of winter wheat?
    Oh right we don't use that in Canada.



      I note that 2010-11 px values on initial payments have radical changes from 09-10.

      $10/t premium for CPSred 11.5px or over.

      1CWRW 14px initial says $119/t
      1CWRW initial says $96/t.

      Select winter wheat is same initial, assumption is the 10/t select payment comes from CWB later?

      We are told 1CWRS below 10% is now kicked down to a #2CWRS which has no grade px minimum. Same with 1CPS red.

      Big changes... have a look!

      This affects PPO contracts big time.



        It is beyond understanding... why the CGC needs a #3CWRW for px below 11%... when the system as it stands now has seperated the px today. My understanding is that if a 1CWRW is below 10%px... in 2010-11 it will be kicked down to a #2CWRW!

        Same goes for 1CWRS.

        Who else knew the CGC did this?


          I think the mandatory age verification
          with limited response may be driving some
          of this. As well, I suspect there is an
          election coming up and it seems they are
          getting nervous about some of their rural
          strongholds. I suspect some will go Wild
          Rose Party or at least make a dent in
          overwhelming long term majorities...


            Oh ya, quite a deal. The money is coming out of funds already earmarked to further our industry through research and development. According to the governments own propaganda the money in the fund they took it from has a 9-1 benefit to the industry. What is the ratio of $3/head. 1 to 1 at best. Being bribed with our own money and taking funds that could further the industry. Another poorly thought out program.


              It's a perfectly thought out program. If you're a govt official. Use funds already in place to gain mileage, doesn't cost you a cent. Our city cousins think we're getting a bailout when in fact it's the same monies that have been in the media two times already and still hasn't hit our pockets. Really no different than the flood monies in Sask. Program already exists and if it comes from this announcement it produces political mileage. City cousins choked again but don't realize any monies obtained here will be deducted from such programs as AgInsanity. And the handshakin and baby kissin begin....


                Am on holidays/trying to avoid work stuff (at home working on "THE
                JOB LIST") but am curious as to how impacts PPO contracts. You are
                paid for the grade you deliver (type, grade, protein) and then the PPO
                programs pays out the difference between initial payment and the FPC
                you signed based on the base grade for that class of wheat.

                The grading system is based on bulk handling and blending. Taking
                one step further, things like initial payments ensure the element of
                everything being categorized correctly for equity and equality purposes
                among farmers - not supply chain efficiency or maximizing revenue.
                Market signals are considered a bad thing - accurate signals which
                draw specific grain into the handling system for a specific customers



                  Time after time... year after year... terminals that are grower owned comment on how much money the CWB system drops on them. NON-Board grains barely break even.

                  Who do farmers think pays for this... and obviously the big grainco's are smiling even more!

                  No competition in wheat marketing is bad... from both sides!!!

                  I guess the Canola rotation will just have to get tighter!!!

                  Now; I just can't wait till the CGC screws around with: chlorophyll, oil content, and px on our canola...

                  Without a rational grower oriented grading system... futures and pricing options are useless.


                    And that's the difference between our provinces. You have funds that this can be taken from. We don't even have those.

                    At least I guess we know where we stand in the scheme of things.....


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