We are getting close to two inches of rain a week.
Yesterday, another 9 tenths downpour which shut
down baling. We are playing a waiting game now
too, better leaving the hay standing than lying down
with these UNUSUAL downpours. I'm sure it will
improve. you know, last year, we were drier than a
fart until mid August, and then haying the ditches
all of September, into October. Cattle did very well
on this grass with some oats.
If you want to change a situation, change your
Yesterday, another 9 tenths downpour which shut
down baling. We are playing a waiting game now
too, better leaving the hay standing than lying down
with these UNUSUAL downpours. I'm sure it will
improve. you know, last year, we were drier than a
fart until mid August, and then haying the ditches
all of September, into October. Cattle did very well
on this grass with some oats.
If you want to change a situation, change your