"the lack of sheep here which were the biggest spreader of the disease in the UK."
It wasn't that the sheep were disease infested as you suggest, but rather the Government programing that was in place that encouraged the buying and selling of sheep, for the sole purpose of collecting subsidies. I know this sounds confusing, but if I find the reference I will post it here. I gathered that there was a subsidy in-place that had people buying up large amounts of sheep, collecting the payment, and then unloading the sheep at auction, most likely miles away where they were not known. As a result there was a lot of animals moving all around the country and this hastened the movement of the disease, likely only from one or 2 infected farms.
Another factor that didn't help were communal pasture (Community pastures) where there is co-mingling.
Another cause of the rapid movement of the disease was the Public Access rules that allowed hikers etc to freely pass through private property. Obviously this could become a vector for diseases like H&M
"the lack of sheep here which were the biggest spreader of the disease in the UK."
It wasn't that the sheep were disease infested as you suggest, but rather the Government programing that was in place that encouraged the buying and selling of sheep, for the sole purpose of collecting subsidies. I know this sounds confusing, but if I find the reference I will post it here. I gathered that there was a subsidy in-place that had people buying up large amounts of sheep, collecting the payment, and then unloading the sheep at auction, most likely miles away where they were not known. As a result there was a lot of animals moving all around the country and this hastened the movement of the disease, likely only from one or 2 infected farms.
Another factor that didn't help were communal pasture (Community pastures) where there is co-mingling.
Another cause of the rapid movement of the disease was the Public Access rules that allowed hikers etc to freely pass through private property. Obviously this could become a vector for diseases like H&M