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hormone free beef to europe

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    hormone free beef to europe

    I am afraid the Canadian cattle man will not see any increase in prices
    Meat exporters and Canada Gold beef boys have to take their cost first.
    why a select closed share holders feeders, have government stamped hormone free beef in Canada?????
    I always said and will fight to ban hormone for every animal fed in canada !!Make this law !
    these animals are fed and around hormone feeding in Canada
    We better tell EU consumers this happening .
    Canada is not growth hormone free country
    Acording to WTO ultimately will add 3200 metri ton and Ag Canada says 10 million per year for canada .
    this industrie news is a very mis leading statement to us the rest off cattle feeders ,who not able to belong to Canada Gold Beef !!!!
    Time to speak up Canadian - Cattleman

    Ag-boy why are you concerned that only Canada Gold producers will benifit from this news. Any opening of new markets will remove tonnage from the current marketplace ultimatley to everyones benefit. This announcement involves only a small amount of product but it's a start and unless we can have more success in shipping beef from Canada or North America as a whole for that matter then the in my opinion we will only see continued liquiation of the cow herd in Canada.


      thanks for posting.


        It could be a good test run to see if there really is a demand there for our beef, before we jump in with both feet into a free trade deal that may not be worth the effort.


          I have not seen anything that says:
          only Canada Gold is eligible. The hoops
          are the same no matter who jumps through
          Also, I believe Canada Gold regularly
          puts out requests for new members
          /cattle /feeders, etc.
          I think any opportunity to access
          another market is worthwhile. That
          said, I am not sure how lucrative the
          market will be in the near term with the
          current debt issues that are going on.


            I wrote a long story a while back on here but it never showed up. I wonder what thread it ended up on. I'll bet it didn't make much sense.

            I sold calves to Canada Gold last February. They are now in Europe in a box or on a plate. The bottom line is they payed a premium over what I could get as commodity beef, they paid the CFIA driven expenses and I just got another check after all the math was done. I also received individual grade and gain info that I have already culled some cows on account of.

            Canada Gold went around to several places looking for shareholders when it first got going. We all had an opportunity to participate and we still have an opportunity to produce to their protocol and reap a little more reward. I am thankful for the various value chains that are leading the way dragging the rest along. Having said that any of us could step up to the plate and move beef where ever a market is. Hook up with a value chain, do it on your own or be a commodity producer. The choice is yours.


              Fiscal Shipshaping In Can/USA

              1.The US needs an immediate audit of their Fed.

              2.The US/Can needs to quit spending.

              3. The US/Can needs to cut all their unecessary programs.

              4.The US?Canada needs to slash government pensions and benfits by one half.

              Starting today. Pars


                Good luck to everyone involved with Canada Gold or any other initiative to move further up the retailing chain. These are the pioneers with the vision and commitment to reap a higher reward - membership was open to anyone who wanted to participate so it's no use griping it was exclusive.
                Canadians still have a lot to learn about trading with Europe. I see market opportunities for some high quality, marbled beef but these will not be for big volumes. Italy would be my first target. Most high quality eateries that are charging quite a bit for a steak tend to use locally sourced product to make the customer feel better about spending the dollar. The European countries have a pride in their own national products just as Canadians have.
                The volume opportunity in Europe is the supermarket trade in countries like the UK but this will be for lean beef - it's no coincidence all the breeds in Europe now resemble a limo! High lean meat yield with no visible fat is the main product in the supermarkets. Laura's Lean producers already know how to produce the product required. In this market you will be competing with S. American beef and I don't see how you can compete price wise. I don't think marbled beef with our feedlot production costs has much chance in this volume trade.
                If Canada did become successful in this volume trade you will likely suffer an EU farmer backlash against "cheap imports" which happen periodically. Obvious target there would be the lack of a credible traceability system. Brazil was largely shut out of the EU for a period of time there on similar grounds. Don't expect fair play either - the supermarkets of Europe are up there with the Cargills and Nilssons to deal with.
                Bottom line now is the same as it was in 2003 - without alternate or additional packers in Canada exporting beef off this continent there is little to drive live cattle prices higher here.


                  good interesting reading GRASSFARMER
                  Yes have been there many times EUROPA,
                  their is superior very lean and yet taste beef on the plate !
                  membership as I been told is not for every one .
                  you have to pay a high share holder fee ,me be some one can tell us possible ???? and cattle can not be fed at you own place, one share holder told us at the auction market after one
                  year of operation had no more for his beef than the rest of us !!!
                  We have no problems with Canada Gold
                  to get hormone beef going to EUROPA
                  but this has to go as Federal issue for all cattleman the same and take out hormones feeding to uor beef to all of us
                  We seen large advertising in Germany
                  on a large EU SUPERMARKT
                  We sell hormone free beef ONLY !!!!
                  All you cattle feeders check this out membership in Canada Gold Beef [
                  [ Black cattle ONLY ]
                  Cattle prices are going up and strong
                  not because ag canada says 10 million
                  per year for exstra 3200 metric ton going under WTO EU TRADE
                  looks like we see some return in our cattle business to all of us


                    Ag boy. You complain about our cattle recieving hormone implants. The reason is because they grow better, or said differently, they don't grow better when we don't implant them because they're otherwise stunted. Why are they stunted, you ask? It's because they're hormone deficient because we've cut their nuts out. This is merely to get things back to normal because they are now hormonaly deficient. That's not wrong.


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