There is a reason this bill is called the "stewardship" act. The steward an employee of the "Lord" or "King" of the property/land (in Canada, that is still the Queen of England) - although for now, she is allowing us to run things "on our own". Good parallel kato!
I hate to put another burden upon my fellow ranchers, but you need to read the "Animal Health Amendment Act", which apparently has passed the legislature and sits awaiting proclamation. When the heck did this come through?
Link: Animal Health Amendment Act 2009 ln=9780779741755
There are some things repealed from the original 2007-8 AHA, and some scary additions, including:
[destruction of animals]
"Section 28 is amended
(a) in subsection (1) by striking out “or” at the end of clause (e), adding “or” at the end of clause (f) and adding the following after clause (f):
(g) if the animal has consumed or is suspected on reasonable and probable grounds of having consumed the carcass or other parts of a dead animal contrary to a provincial or federal enactment.
(b) by adding the following after subsection (3):
(4) If the owner fails to comply with an order issued pursuant to subsection (1)(g), the Minister may seize,
destroy and dispose of the animal.
(5) The amount of expenses incurred in seizing, destroying and disposing of an animal under subsection (4) is a debt due to the Crown."
THEN, the real kicker is the new sections 70.1 through 70.8 ("delegated authorities"):
70.1(1) The Minister may make regulations
(a) respecting the establishment of delegated authorities;
(b) delegating to one or more delegated authorities any of the powers, duties or functions of the Minister or an inspector under this Act, except the power of the Minister to make regulations;
(c) imposing conditions on the delegated powers, duties or functions;
(d) limiting the liability of a delegated authority and its employees, agents, directors or officers in an action for negligence with respect to the delegat ed power, duty or function
(this is just the start of PAGES of new LAW on "delegated authorities")...
What in the heck, does this new term "Self-government regulation" mean to us? From what I am reading in this covert Amendment, the province is going to permit a private company to MANAGE all the aspects covered under the Animal Health Act, including giving them all the POWERS OF THE MINISTER excepting the power to make regulation.
These "delegated authorities" will be the STEWARDS of the animals, and may as well, be the STEWARDS of the land.
Thus, they are OUR stewards.
I hate to put another burden upon my fellow ranchers, but you need to read the "Animal Health Amendment Act", which apparently has passed the legislature and sits awaiting proclamation. When the heck did this come through?
Link: Animal Health Amendment Act 2009 ln=9780779741755
There are some things repealed from the original 2007-8 AHA, and some scary additions, including:
[destruction of animals]
"Section 28 is amended
(a) in subsection (1) by striking out “or” at the end of clause (e), adding “or” at the end of clause (f) and adding the following after clause (f):
(g) if the animal has consumed or is suspected on reasonable and probable grounds of having consumed the carcass or other parts of a dead animal contrary to a provincial or federal enactment.
(b) by adding the following after subsection (3):
(4) If the owner fails to comply with an order issued pursuant to subsection (1)(g), the Minister may seize,
destroy and dispose of the animal.
(5) The amount of expenses incurred in seizing, destroying and disposing of an animal under subsection (4) is a debt due to the Crown."
THEN, the real kicker is the new sections 70.1 through 70.8 ("delegated authorities"):
70.1(1) The Minister may make regulations
(a) respecting the establishment of delegated authorities;
(b) delegating to one or more delegated authorities any of the powers, duties or functions of the Minister or an inspector under this Act, except the power of the Minister to make regulations;
(c) imposing conditions on the delegated powers, duties or functions;
(d) limiting the liability of a delegated authority and its employees, agents, directors or officers in an action for negligence with respect to the delegat ed power, duty or function
(this is just the start of PAGES of new LAW on "delegated authorities")...
What in the heck, does this new term "Self-government regulation" mean to us? From what I am reading in this covert Amendment, the province is going to permit a private company to MANAGE all the aspects covered under the Animal Health Act, including giving them all the POWERS OF THE MINISTER excepting the power to make regulation.
These "delegated authorities" will be the STEWARDS of the animals, and may as well, be the STEWARDS of the land.
Thus, they are OUR stewards.