Wondering how some of you cattlemen have handled idiots that have cattle run loose with no fence no feed. We have a guy in our area that for the past 30 years and his parents before him let his cattle run wild among crop land. He has grazing leases along forestry where the cattle are supposed to be but there is a few 40 year old posts on the open land that go about 40 feet into the bush and then no posts no fence anywhere. This year guys are short feed and buying feed his cows are going from yard to yard eating bales and around bins grain spilled. He drives around 4 or 5 in the morning chasing them away before guys are up to see the cows. They are not tagged not branded if he ever does answer the phone he says they are not his until the guy phoning says he is going to shoot the animals then he gives a some acknowledgement. He has been in court probably 10-12 times people suing him as people have found out the stray animal act is kinda weird. he once had a cow bloated in the neighbor's yard after eating from a bin door open and he tried suing the neighbor cost the neighbor lots of money and headache. Finally a few years ago a judge got tired of him and ordered him not to have cows at his farm, well that did not solve anything they are never there anyways, and now he says the cows are his sons that work in Saskatoon. What can be done?
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Stray cattle
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Sounds like a great way to an easy New Year's bonus. I just about kept some of my incompetent neighbour's cattle last summer when they got out, ran two miles into our yard, worked up our cattle into a frenzy and ran through some fences. If his cattle don't get out at least once a month, it's a miracle.
When I went to get his sons to help me move them back, they asked me to buy them so they didn't have to move them. Next time I won't even bother asking.
I have no time for incompetent idiots. Maybe they will be easier to get along with when they have no cattle to worry about.
I would keep them. All you need is a vehicle to hit one outside your residence, and your insurance gets the hit when the actual owner plays dumb.
This will be the first year in a while I haven't had some visiting cattle come into my yard and either chew into the silage pit cover or run up over the top of it. I'm glad the neighbor decided to work up that particular field and move the cows to one that actually had decent fences.
I hear what you guys are saying but I don't have fences to lock them up at my yard and it would be a circus because these animals don't know handling of any kind they are wild and are mean. A couple of years back some guys tried to chase them with ski-doo back to the idiots yard and the animals charged the ski-doo. The guys that do have cattle have had their fences wrecked by his cows many times and some are worried these cattle never are vaccinated for anything yet run from herd to herd.
This guy is not stupid either, farms about 18-20 quarters of land for grain but has 2 round bins a 1350 bushel and 1950 bushel on his yard. has no equipment other than a tractor with front end loader. Sat in the coffee shop all spring joking at how every one was stupid for trying to seed. Collected his crop insurance for too wet acres, yet I know another family with full equipment that other neighbors helped pull out of the mud trying to seed and they were denied their too wet acres claim.
There is actually alot more to this story, he pays everything with 100 dollar bills sits in the casino every second night seeding and harvest included, associates with at least 2 other guys convicted of drug trafficing in past years.
I better stop my rant sure no one cares, but I mentioned on another thread about a young guy having cattle that couldn't afford the feed so sold cattle and left for oil patch work leaving his young family behind, and this s o b lets his cows run eating everyone else's feed laughing about it.
". . . not tagged, not branded . . ."
Sounds like the CFIA could use a "real" culprit. Call them, tell them the whole story and report him for having untagged cattle at large. They charge him and if he says he doesn't own them then someone with a fenced yard could claim them and tag them.
Just a thought but maybe it wouldn't work.
Even though i do agree with the three s's,it's not the cows fault there owner is a very operator at the very best.I would feed them in a temporary corral for a few days,until you could catch them.Then i would haul them to the pound,and put a very big bill agains't those cows.Enough to cover your expenses for the feed they ate,and the time you wasted doing this.Then i would put a few extra thousand on the bill,just for having a idiot for a neighbour.
Last time guys did that they actually took them to the auction market the night before the auction, he found out some how and threatenned the auction that he was gonna charge them with theft so he hauled them home no money paid nothing. And even if he pays the damage he'd just buy some more and why should all of us babysit his cows and worry about his animals breaking the neighbors cows out? I think guys are talking about shooting them finally and donating to food bank. It won't end the problem because he'll just buy some more but? Wonder what the cfia rules are on this no tags no brand no fence?
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