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ABP and privacy issues...

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    ABP and privacy issues...

    While I'm on the topic of privacy policies and organizations involved in the cattle industry, let me express my deep concern over the ABP resolution which states:

    "Be it resolved that ABP consider making available on request a list of those producers who have requested their check-off back and at what percentage." Carried. (from ABP resolution report Jan/Feb. Newsletter).

    Can somebody explain to me how the private decision of an individual or corporation, to opt out of this check-off, is the business of anybody else? What about protection of personal information! Following this logic, should we not then also make available a list of those who contribute to ABP checkoff and how much they contribute?

    Clearly, those that support this invasion of privacy need to rethink what they were supporting when they voted in favour of this resolution. It smacks of spitefulness.

    I'm disturbed and disappointed that this motion could even make it to the floor for voting; doesn't ABP retain lawyers who should have told them this is not an issue which can be entertained by vote. It is a legal matter that pertains to the Protection of Personal Information Act.

    What country do we live in????

    I beg to disagree, Kathy. However you feel about ABP it is granted the right to collect the check-off to fund themselves and industry projects. With the refundable option we all have to make a decision on whether to leave our money with them or not. I don't see how outing refund claimants violates their privacy. If they do not want their name on that list then don't claim a refund. Anyone who feels their refund is justified won't mind the the heat they might attract.

    After all that I really don't think that this motion will result in access to refund information. ABP is way too head shy of legal challenges and bad publicity. The motion that worries me more is the one to lobby for the return to a mandatory service charge. I hope they have the sense to down play that one. HT


      I tend to agree with Kathy. Before the Check-off became refundable, every one contributed nameless. By naming those requesting a refund, it identifies those who do not support ABP. I do not think this resolution will go anywhere.


        In Manitoba checkoff refunds pass through the provincial government first, and they don't share the names with the Manitoba Beef Producers. Therefore, the MBP (formerly MCPA) don't even know how many beef producers are in the province. They don't know who does or does not support them.

        This is even worse.


          You're right Kathy - pure and simple
          spitefulness. The ABP does retain lawyers and they helped shape this one - the original proposal was to publicly publish the list of people reclaiming levy but the legal side made them water it down to make a list of people reclaiming levy available to zone delegates so that they could phone the producers and "discuss" their decision to withdraw their funds.
          I look forward to receiving that phone call.


            If you don't take it all back are you not still a member in good standing of the ABP? I just wish they would quit spending our money on full page self preservation adds and spend it on promoting the industry.


              When I saw this resolution, my first thoughts were of the Neilson Brothers and their rumored threat to the NWBP's. If you do this, we won't buy your fats...

              In releasing the names of producers who reclaim their refundable check-off, ABP would be participating in defacto INTIMIDATION/racketeering; ie: attempting to shame producers into not yanking their support. Also by implied threats of retaliation by other producers and cattle buyers.

              I have attended quite a few ABP regional meetings. I always find them extremely distressful, mainly because the REAL ISSUES are never discussed until the last hour of the meeting (if at all). While my neighbors have been fairly supportive of a few of the resolutions I have put forward, these carried motions don't usually make it to the AGM general vote (committees are left to deal with many of the resolutions). Nothing changes. So much of our industry is smoke and mirrors, now ie: public perception versus reality.

              So much of what ABP supports, I do not!

              The fact that to withdrawal OUR money, we have to submit our sales records is also bothersome to me. I will certainly black out all the information pertaining to prices received for our animals. IF Cargill doesn't have to open their books for the Fed Gov, yet still receives grants and program funds, why should I share my proprietary info with ABP, just to get my own money back.


                Kathy, I agree with you completely on the frustration of ABP meetings and their lack of dealing with real issues. What a relief it was last year to withdraw my levy funds and not even bother going to the meeting.
                Speaking of singling out those who reclaim their levy I believe there is an issue around the ABP fake credit cards they sent out to everybody - someone told me they are deactivated for those who reclaim their levy. I guess I'll never know as mine hit the garbage the day it arrived - like the "information screens" installed at many of the auction marts another complete and utter waste of money.


                  Check off money is also used to fund education, marketing and food safety programs. They fund a lobby group that is suppose to be working to the benefit of the producer. If you choose to be refunded, why then should you be able to be part of the efforts?

                  I think knowing who refunded, should also enable the producer group to exclude that producer....... you don't support us, why would we support you?


                    What is the actual cost of the full page "Self Preservation Adds"? It doesn't sell any more beef that I can tell. Does that fall under the heading "Marketing"? Any efforts outside of the ABP are also shared collectively even though they are funded by a few and not the whole. If the ABP showed wise use of the tax this conversation would never have come up. Kind of like the government. Just trust us.


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