Personally I feel the ABP did not listen to the grass route producer and had the attitude we know whats best for you.There is other groups out there that reflect my that is where my dollars will go.
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How much of the $2 refundable checkoff goes to fund education, marketing and food safety programs? Doesn't that mostly get funded from the CCA budget by the now non-refundable $1 checkoff?
What is this "lobby group" they fund? "Friends of the Packers maybe"?
If you are advocating accountability for actions so that those of us requesting a refund can't be part of the supposedly beneficial efforts does that mean the organisation will be sending me a cheque to cover losses caused by their support of the captive supply, corporate concentration and numerous Government support payments to the large scale packing sector that were financially detrimental to us as primary producers?
Just to touch on a few things guys....
I hope to clarify some of your concerns.
The Loyalty Program Cards are not deactivated for people who request a refund. They are good to go for everyone...regardless of your refund status.
Lists of who request refunds are not being made pubic.
The $1 non-refundable levy does not go to CCA. It goes to the Canadian Beef Cattle Research, Market Development & Promotion Agency.
The ads that came out in the ag publications are roughly $1,500 each (there were three of them). We feel it's important to let producers know what we've accomplished as an organisation. Communication to producers is part of our mandate.
Hopefully this helps clear up part of the confusion.
Thanks Lori. Also, if I understand it
correctly, by the wording of the
legislation, you can request a refund and
still vote and/or become a delegate. Is
this correct?
Exciting times coming in your house...
Mr. loric.... I will have to tell him that. haha
Only 2.5 weeks left in the office and 4.5 until the due date. We just bought a new-used crop dusting plane a couple days ago, so I will be spending my mat leave being bossed around on the runway by my husband as he flys.
Sean....yes you read that right. Because it's mandatory to pay the $3 check-off, legislation says all producers can vote and run for ABP.
Happy trails, the motion that worries you is the one on reinstating the manadatory check off as non refundable? Note, that motion came from the floor by one producer, seconded by another and then discussed. The fall meeting that I was at had a motion like this come forwards and it was passed. It was passed by a reasonably narrow margin. Not because there were so many people directly opposed to it, but rather were in favor of it in principle but that the timing was to soon. The general feeling by most folks is that the refundable checkoff was a dumb idea and that it was pushed through by a few and led by a particular minister...
On a separate note, for loric (and others interested in the topic). I highly recommend a book for reading when you are on your maternity leave. The book just came out in 2010 and is entitled "Callous Disregard". It is the saga of the on-going crucifixtion of Dr. Andrew Wakefield, written by Dr. A. Wakefield.
The press has had a hay day with the man and his 1998 Lancet paper on inflammatory bowel disease and regressive behavior in children. As clearly stated in the paper, 8 of the 12 parents of the children treated in this clinical study, reported that their childs regressive behavior occurred after the child was vaccinated with the MMR vaccine.
Before you say, "oh yah, I read about this guy in the papers".... please don't pollute your thoughts with hear-say.... read his book and get the information first hand. You will be shocked! It is available through Chapters; although I recommend you order it on-line (much cheaper than in the store)...
You can order it directly from the Author, Dr. Wakefield, and a portion of the proceeds will go toward research on environmental causes of autism. Link: ($20.00 and signed)
Note: did you know that a brand of MMR vaccine was taken off the market in Canada because it was causing excessive cases of 'meningitis' or inflammation of the brain. The UK deceptively "renamed" the same product and used it in their MMR program for a while.
Note: Dr. Wakefield never said don't vaccinate. He stated the "polyvalent" vaccines were associated with the IBD and regressive behavior, and he recommended using "monovalent" vaccines (and not all at once).
MMR - polyvalent, measles, mumps, rubella
monovalent - would mean just measles, just mumps, just rubella.
After Dr. Wakefield made this public recommendation, the UK health authorities de-licensed the monovalent vaccines, forcing parents to choose between the MMR and not vaccinating. Nice guys.
It is a very informative and well documented book.
To reply to ruken. Not sure if you were trying to reassure me or disagree. I will guess it is the latter. I don't think that the refundable checkoff is a bad idea; in fact I find ABP way more attractive since they became accountable to us. As their pity party further winds down they have a chance to do excellent work for Alberta cattle(wo)men.
Does anyone really believe that we wouldn't be looking at an increase in the checkoff if it hadn't went refundable? Remember it started out at 10 cents/head. HT
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