On the contrary purecountry - we do know enough to prove the unsafe nature of GM derived foods. We just need to look at the evidence and see the way it is being manipulated to "prove" that GM is safe.
Read any one of hundreds of articles on the issue on the internet - many from reliable sources to see that we are foolhardy to proceed with this stupidity.
Check out this scientific research paper for example;
If you can't be bothered reading it all read this part of the conclusion and think about what it is saying.
"It is generally recognised that samples of commercial GM plant materials are
not obtainable without prior contractual understanding with the producer
(Lembcke 2000). For this reason, only institutions able to develop and cultivate
GM plants, themselves, have been regarded here as independent.
The work in five studies (Noteborn et al., 1995; Hammond et al., 1996,
Brake and Vlachos, 1998; Hashimoto et al., 1999, Teshima et al., 2000) was
regarded as having been performed more or less in collaboration with private
companies. In none of these studies were effects related to GM-materials
reported. On the other hand, adverse effects were reported (but not explained)
in independent studies by Pusztai (1998, 2002), Fares and El-Sayed (1998),
Ewen and Pusztai (1999) and Pusztai et al., (1999). It is remarkable that these
effects have all been observed after feeding for only 10–14 days.
Pusztai’s studies (Pusztai 1998, 2002; Ewen and Pusztai 1999; Pusztai et al.,
1999) are remarkable in that the experimental conditions were varied and
several ways were found by which to demonstrate possible health effects of
Simple proof that test results are being manipulated by those who stand to benefit most from disguising the truth.
Read any one of hundreds of articles on the issue on the internet - many from reliable sources to see that we are foolhardy to proceed with this stupidity.
Check out this scientific research paper for example;
If you can't be bothered reading it all read this part of the conclusion and think about what it is saying.
"It is generally recognised that samples of commercial GM plant materials are
not obtainable without prior contractual understanding with the producer
(Lembcke 2000). For this reason, only institutions able to develop and cultivate
GM plants, themselves, have been regarded here as independent.
The work in five studies (Noteborn et al., 1995; Hammond et al., 1996,
Brake and Vlachos, 1998; Hashimoto et al., 1999, Teshima et al., 2000) was
regarded as having been performed more or less in collaboration with private
companies. In none of these studies were effects related to GM-materials
reported. On the other hand, adverse effects were reported (but not explained)
in independent studies by Pusztai (1998, 2002), Fares and El-Sayed (1998),
Ewen and Pusztai (1999) and Pusztai et al., (1999). It is remarkable that these
effects have all been observed after feeding for only 10–14 days.
Pusztai’s studies (Pusztai 1998, 2002; Ewen and Pusztai 1999; Pusztai et al.,
1999) are remarkable in that the experimental conditions were varied and
several ways were found by which to demonstrate possible health effects of
Simple proof that test results are being manipulated by those who stand to benefit most from disguising the truth.