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Keith Wilson Meets With Mel Knight

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    Keith Wilson Meets With Mel Knight

    Keith Wilson has met with Minister Mel Knight on the proposed changes to Bill 36. The question is whether or not this answers any of your questions and concerns. I talked to Keith just minutes after his meeting with the minister. [URL="http://realagriculture.com/2011/03/01/keith-wilson-talks-about-his-meeting-with-mel-knight-and-the-amendments-to-bill-36/"]See my interview here[/URL]. In the post is the actual amendment document for you to read yourself.

    What do you think? Is the government showing that they are listening or just re-arranging words?

    Mel Knight & the conservatives both need to be tossed from office.

    I didn't think it was possible two farmers Knight & Stelmack could mess things up so badly...both clueless.


      Stelmach hasn't farmed for 25 years. Knight was in the oil patch and never really a farmer. Morton (political science prof) was the driver of this bill. 40 years of continuous power breeds the government we have today. Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting change is well..... Using an aspirin only masks the headache and doesn't get to the cause. We know what to do here but as in the past they will change the facade and everyone will think this is different and great and we will get more of what we deserve.


        The big power grab is still on. To state that the government cannot negate a land title is cold comfort. Implies that everything else is fair game. Grazing lease holders AWAKE!!! HT


          They are in damage control. back peddly as fast and hard as they can. Internally they know the hand writting is on the wall, so will do WHAT EVER it take to reqain face.


            Per, Allfarmer, Wd40, Happytrails---All great comments. Some of you already know I spent 20 years living and being part of your great province of Alberta. The oil/gas infiltration into the governments, boards have been going on since the great Lougheed years.

            Since 1996 we relocated back to Saskatchewan (our home) and look west and watch "WHAT IS HAPPENING TO ALBERTA AND HOW IT IS BEGINNING TO HAPPEN HERE IN SASKATCHEWAN".

            Some of you know my recent involvement with Landowner associations (SAPL) and working with CAPLA now CAEPLA how the Federal Governments work also. It has been pointed out to me by the CAEPLA landowners of south western Ontario how Federal policital appointments continue to those FEDERAL MPS, Prime Ministers etc to boards of directors to the major energy boards (Great $$$ rewards) with the BIG GIANT PIPELINE COMPANIES.

            I have taken that scope and watch how Alberta Governemnt personnel once they have completed their 2 terms get appointments as well to energy companies serving your great province.

            The bills that are "taking away landowner rights" in Alberta were passed with most of your MLAs not even reading the language or receiving interpretation of the language in the bills that are now in question.

            Again this thread is bringing out great knowledge from agrivillers.


              Ted Morton was mostly likely sent to Alberta by Dick Cheney (both are Wyoming based) and Morton's dad was a supporter of Cheney.

              Cheney's company Halliburton moved its head offices out of the USA to Dubai. The only offices for Halliburton in Canada are in Calgary.

              It is only a matter of time, if we do not fight these REGIONAL PLANS, before some "national emergency" forces our governments' to succeed power to NORAD and a North American Council. Harper just met with Obama a couple weeks ago, to confirm that our police and troops will be interchangeable between the USA and Canada.

              The move to put all the people within cities is growing year by year. We can either accept this fate, or not!

              The East Central Review had two good letters to Editor regarding 1. these bills and Jack Hayden (hidin Hayden)... and another on loss of services like schools, hospitals, etc, in the rural communities. These two go hand in hand. I hope the editor of the paper knows this connection. As government takes control of the Province away from municipalities, towns and cities... the bulk of our taxes will go to the cities and/or to the corporate projects needed to **** Alberta of its natural resources - for the benefit of Americans and international corporations.


                Katty Who???

                http://takingliberty.us/TLHome.html - WildLands Project - How Private Property is being Abolished in America


                  Just looked through this weeks Western Producer. Lots of pages of coverage over Alberta MLA comments and talk over Alberta Land Use BIlls.

                  Good work grass-roots rural Alberta. Still have to get that information into your major cities.


                    BTOfarmall - where did you find this???

                    I have been looking for this information for ages! Have heard people on the radio program "Derry Brownfield" (out of Missouri)discuss bits and pieces, and would like to get some of these folks up to Alberta to speak.

                    Just started to watch the presentation at:
                    http://takingliberty.us/TLHome.html - WildLands Project - How Private Property is being Abolished in America

                    - this is going to help explain alot things to alot of people. I hope EVERYONE will take the time to watch the "Taking Liberty" presentation.

                    Have had the map, for some time. It was part of the United Nations "Agenda 21" project. Good going BTOfarmall!!!


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