I don't like Duceppe's agenda, but I
have to admit, like GF, I appreciate his
honesty. Actually, if you believe Dr.
Brinkmann from Guelph, PQ is the best
place in Canada to start farming.
I am not sure any of them deserve our
votes, and I am pretty disgusted at the
tone of things.
The contempt of parliament issue really
bugs me, Ignatieff grates on me, Layton
will break me, and Elizabeth May's ag
policy is non existent.
No one is really addressing the issues
beyond next week, and that is not a good
place to be.
I think there will be a path in the
future for someone with some vision to
strike a pose and lead the way, but I
suspect they will be encumbered by the
legacy of bureaucracy we have created.
Legislation by reaction only solves the
problems of yesterday, too late with
today's ideas.
One thing, if we wind up with another
minority parliament, Harper will get his
budget passed, as no one will want to
non-confidence him so soon after an
have to admit, like GF, I appreciate his
honesty. Actually, if you believe Dr.
Brinkmann from Guelph, PQ is the best
place in Canada to start farming.
I am not sure any of them deserve our
votes, and I am pretty disgusted at the
tone of things.
The contempt of parliament issue really
bugs me, Ignatieff grates on me, Layton
will break me, and Elizabeth May's ag
policy is non existent.
No one is really addressing the issues
beyond next week, and that is not a good
place to be.
I think there will be a path in the
future for someone with some vision to
strike a pose and lead the way, but I
suspect they will be encumbered by the
legacy of bureaucracy we have created.
Legislation by reaction only solves the
problems of yesterday, too late with
today's ideas.
One thing, if we wind up with another
minority parliament, Harper will get his
budget passed, as no one will want to
non-confidence him so soon after an