Smallguy--comments to your thread. The group that set up this whole CCIA --CFIA and tag companies really did some careful planning. If someone wanted to take on "faulty tags" "tag loss" or "peronnel injury" one would have to look at the CCIA who are supposed to be approval for these "great tags". That is like "sueing your wife" because this famous group tried to include people around their "Great table" that represents all of us. Maybe someone else on agriville knows the full story but only recently some party representatives even got to have a vote.
It seems comical to me that whenever I ttalk to grass-roots cattlemen, auction market personnel and some feedlots when you mention the CCIA there is just a "laugh" or "no comment".
It seems comical to me that whenever I ttalk to grass-roots cattlemen, auction market personnel and some feedlots when you mention the CCIA there is just a "laugh" or "no comment".