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cattle going higher

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    SADIE, Agreed much of the debate on the commodity forum is rather offputting. The bad language and the largely one sided bullying that goes on doesn't reflect well on some of the posters.

    I'm not sure I agree with your comment about high open heifer prices now helping set the tone for what bred heifers are going to be in the fall. It's showing how high they NEED to be in the fall to be better business than selling them as opens now. We should be cautious about assuming future prices are based on current price plus an assumed increase in value. Something unexpected (like BSE) coming along might make bred heifers worth only $850 in the fall. My risk tolerence doesn't extend to buying $1000 open heifers with the intention of selling them as breds. It's funny the psychology of the market place though - when markets are rising many are prepared to take huge risks on unlikely outcomes whereas in down markets most are unprepared to take the lesser risks involved with surer outcomes.


      Pretty fancy bunch of girls there Sadie!

      Now for something entirely different.... meet Mildred.
      <a href="http://s17.photobucket.com/albums/b67/Kato1/?action=view&current=fromcameramarch202010 062.jpg" target="_blank"></a>

      Mildred is a fancy Simmental cross heifer, with frozen ears, and eyes scarred from pinkeye or something. We're not really sure because it happened before Hubby bought her at a feeder sale last fall for.... wait for it...... FIVE DOLLARS. She weighed about a hundred pounds, and came toddling into the ring at the end of the sale. No one wanted her, and we already had a bag milk at home, so a five dollar bill changed hands. I bottle fed her, and now she's close to 400 pounds. When she comes off pasture this fall, she just may be the Canadian record holder for the most profitable feeder of the year.

      She ain't pretty, but she's going to make some money. ;-)


        Great looking cattle Sadie!

        I am with Randy, this site is not 200 active cattle profiles regularly showing off their cattle for resale. I wouldn't want that. Is seems to me Agriville beef is about tops 30 reasonably active posters. This Forum can go for days with no posts on it. The rules should be as long as you contribute your good.
        If you are some new guy and out of the blue want to do some self promotion don't bother. I for 1 want to know when Agriviller's make a move.

        Real people doing real deals...the reason most of us here have no problem giving their real name and phone number on the site.

        I for 1 am proud to be part of this forum, no daily personal attacts like the Grain guys have here.

        The Agriville Beef Family!!!


          I like the pictures and hope to see more. Ranchers.net had a forum for photos and it was very interesting.

          Those are real nice looking heifers and I enjoyed seeing Kato's short eared money maker. I for one hope the moderators encourage more pictures.


            Oh, I've nothing against photos it certainly adds interest to the site. What I was pointing out was that using the forum as a blatant advertising tool is not what it was intended for or allowed for in the rules.
            I read several different forums and the ones that allow advertising of this sort quickly deteriorate because a lot of guys post when they have something for sale and never participate otherwise. These forums become advertising forums instead of discussion forums. I think SADIE's pictures of the ear tagging information were appropriate but advertising of his heifers for sale was not. That's my opinion.


              Grassfarmer would you give it a rest already!!! Sadie those are a nice looking bunch of heifers,i'm curious to see what they sell for,i don't think a $1000 will buy them.


                Something unexpected (like BSE) coming along might make bred heifers worth only $850 in the fall---This I copied and pasted from your previous thread gf.

                This lesson I learnt very well and it wasn't BSE. I had my cattle in the market and they sold the moring of the 9/11 Terrorist attach on the American Trade centre. Immediately the whole market shut down and the sale stopped. Those that had cattle that hadn't sold got trucks and hauled them home again.

                At that time I had smaller numbers and was in the process of expanding my cow-herd. At that time I thought having the cross cow and bred with the terminal (char) to produce the "buckskin" or "yellow's was the trend in tha industry.

                It is then and the years after during the BSE years that I made a decision to not sell all offspring into the Feeder cattle market. Set up a program so that your females have value and sell into the spring grass market as well.

                BSE hit and now the demand for the "breeding heifer market" has been working for me. You have to plan ahead in this cattle business because of the life cycle of the bovine animal. I have split my sales of animals and that has given me protection and a balance so far.

                The cattle business although we have to remain "guarded" is one of optimism and that is a good thing also. It keeps alot of us going forward.



                  Great Mildred. What is that profit going to do for your agristability?

                  Now you and your hubby have to learn how to do this in "volume" nos.


                    Sadie don't worry about the uptight folks here on Gangriville. They gist jealous yer makin all the money in the Cow Business. Keep posting pics of yer nice looking cattle. Most here enjoy them. Almost fergot yous taggin right in the sweet spot, keep up the good work feeding the ungrateful masses.....



                      Let's see if we can get under grassfarmers skin a little more. Come on out to Olds Alberta or log in on the team auction system and buy some dern good bulls tomorrow at our bull sale....


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