HT, how was it that traceability helped sort out the cattle that were mixed up as a result of flooding in Medicine Hat? I thought that information connected to the CCIA tags was to remain private.
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Traceability Propaganda
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As for traceability.... traceability with no financial rewards for those doing the work (that would be us) is just a make work project for the bureaucracy. Tracking for the sake of tracking. Basic animal health style tracking can be done with a lot less red tape than what seems to be planned. I think there's a larger agenda here than just finding out where that animal with TB came from.
As for the census.. I have a copy of the agricultural census from 1851 for two of my great-great grandfathers, and they are priceless IMHO. Anyone who has ever done a family history will back me up on this one. The census return is one of the first places you go to find your family. It takes a hundred years to release them to the public I would like to think my great great grandchildren will care enough about their past to look us up.
As for the 'free' ear tags... I hope it's the Alberta government who's footing the bill, otherwise us poor schmucks are paying twice. BTW, other than for cull cows, age verification is becoming a non-issue in Manitoba. Even if you announce it in the ring, for feeders, you don't get paid for it. They can probably fill whatever small need there is for age verified cattle with the 'captive supply' in Alberta, so we don't count. Ten little countries...................
As for finding cattle after a flood... you're right... propaganda.
We have never answered their stupid questions beyond - name address and checked the farmers box thus answering both the required "census of population" and the "census of agriculture". We have not gone to jail.
The gathering of other information is not part of the "census" since "census" is only counting of the people and farmers. Other information is voluntary, and stats canada can compile and sell this information to NGO's etc. as long as it is not linked to individual names.
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