Such a blessing. Somehow I believe that the younger voters must have been a big factor. The CBC isn't as powerfull as they thought. Guess the impending demise of the CWB doesn't belong in beef production but the end of the long gun registry does. The gun registry makes criminals of me and a lot of my neighbors. Good ridance if the C's follow thur with ending it. Great News! HT
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Harper Majority---Yahoo!!
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Such a weird idea of democracy in western Canada. All the jubilation over on the commodity forum about the imminent demise of the CWB. Just a minute though what's this really about? shouldn't the farmers voting in CWB elections decide what happens to that organisation? Truth is the farmers have consistently voted to retain the CWB by electing pro-board candidates. The minority who don't want the CWB after trying and failing to achieve their ends have worked with the Government to try and skew the elections and actions of the CWB using even resorting to court. So now the minority are rejoicing because they think a Harper parliamentary majority will encourage him to take stronger, less democratic measures to end the CWB. Wierd, wierd idea of democracy and what is right and wrong.
HT, you are a hoot - you are so concerned that the long gun registry was making a criminal of you but at the same time you are trying to organise a revolt so that ranchers will not follow the law with regard to cattle identification and tracability requirements - can't you see the irony?
No inconsistency (a better word) from my vantage. If you find it funny GF I hope it makes the election sour g****s go down better.
All of these programs (CWB, traceability, and gun registry) are aimed at seizing control of personal property. If some chose to submit willingly to the power mongers they have every right but please leave me out. We have just elected a government that has promised to reduce the coercion for 2 of them. Right on and lets make it 3.
Democracy? Our polls were closed for exactly seven minutes when the networks declared the outcome. It was over before any of us even had our ballots pulled out of the boxes. Of all the things about election coverage that bother me, this is the big one. After five minutes we turned the station, and didn't check back until morning.
I guess now we'll see what Harper and friends really have planned for the country. The true colours will show, and there's not a thing anyone can do about it. They've got four years of unstoppable power to work with, and it will be interesting to see what does or does not happen.
As for the CWB, they boys who want it gone better lobby for stronger support programs that at least match the U.S. Farm Bill if they think they can do better without it. There's a reason the Farm Bill is worth billions.
Kato I don't see the early announcement of the winner as a challenge to democracy - just a reality based on the population size in Ontario and the different time zones across the country. Your vote was still counted and if every vote west of Ontario had been cast for the Green Party that would have been reflected in the number of seats once the votes were counted.
Western Canada remains a very naive democracy in my opinion - nearly all the seats in AB were won with 75-80% of the votes going to the PC candidate. This is not electing a Government it's electing a dictatorship. I don't care which party gets the votes it is just not healthy to give that kind of % to any one party. If the winners were getting in the 52-56% of the votes with the runners up getting into the 40% range it would make all politicians work harder and keep them more honest.
Actually, judging by what is being said by Harper and his team about various subjects (health care, public service cuts, CBC), I don't think we will see major changes for some time, if at all, which is a shame.
I was really looking forward to heavy public sector cuts, slashing programs, cutting funding for the CBC in half, ending the gun registry, abolishing the Senate, cutting the funding to political parties, opening up the telecom industry, eliminate the GST entirely, etc., etc.)
A real good one would be bringing back capital punishment, but I don't think even the Conservatives could stomach that one.
We can eliminate this deficit in no time, it's called slash and burn. Slash and burn and stick the throats of the fat pigs that have been buried in the feed trough for the last 20 years.
"Actually" is right 15444. Very little will change. And nothing would have changed if the Liberals would have gotten back in.
Jack --- well he might have done a few things different but a win for him would have affected the short term economic position Canada has in the world.
I agree with GF and say that my Green vote is the best chance we have to see any long term change.
That being said - I will say that the stability of a majority government will have a positive effect on short term economics. I only hope that Jack keeps yapping and can keep Stephen and his toe gang in tow.
Couldn't agree more wit you 15444. Anyone who votes fer the Green Party, please leave Comedia, yous ain't wanted here & that includes the SELL OUT......
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