Come on Burnt Out Dam Spot. If a willing buyer and seller reach a price, that is the price. All he said was he wouldn't pay any more. He knows if no one has any for sale at that price he won't get any. I don't know about the rest of you but after bumping along at low margins for quite some time I am not willing to pay large betting that this market will stay strong. Call it greed if you want but the buy high sell low model is not sustainable. As far as the cow herd is concerned, these high cow prices are allowing attrition to take place and conversion back to farmland. Many are still getting their heads knocked off. My observation is that a few are expanding but many are leaving.
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So what if Canada reduced the cow herd by half and became a self supplying nation? The only issue we would then have is competition with chicken and pork. Certainly we could keep the markets open for the off-type parts of the carcass but would not be open to the international wims of the world economy. Personally, I am not willing to pay over $1100 a female considering the fickleness of the marketplace out there. It's not that long ago where I imagined what it would be like for cows to be at $1000. It's a shakey market out there. In 2003 I was naive, today I'm cautious...
Wow, Burnt you really don't understand business do you? Was I stealing the cows at $600 - no, the guy was eager to sell them in a depressed market due to drought and feed shortage. I paid him at least market price and saved him the trucking and auction sale costs. It was the best deal we could do at the time and I took on a substantial risk at the time given that I had to buy feed in the same market. Where is the greed in that? Meanwhile you are wanting the taxpayer of the country to pay you a bail out package over BSE - isn't that a bit greedy to or do you reckon you are entitled?
At the depths of BSE, I bought a few bred cows at $350 a piece delivered. Good old (12 years) purebred Hereford cows when culls were going for $200 or less as kills. I didn't make a killing on them, but they paid their way, got my money back and made a little extra.
Check out:
Canfax Cycle Indicators and Heifer Retention 02011.pdf
The fact of the matter is everyone of us will sell out someday...or die with our boots on...and then the cows will be sold anyway!
I do see a problem with not very many young guys stepping up to the plate, wanting to raise cattle, but then who could blame them? There are so many opportunities out there in the world that pay a lot better.
Grassfarmer: The federal government is in charge of trade and animal health regulations. They bungled the BSE thing and guys like you and me ended up holding the bag? So should they pay us for the losses from BSE......or should you and me have to pay?
I believe that yes indeed the "taxpayer" should pay for governments screw ups....after all those taxpayers elected that government to represent them? Maybe the "taxpayer" should pay the money they owe us for their "representatives" mismanagement....before they go out and spend money on fighter jets they don't need and can't afford....or build a bunch of new jails for non existent criminals?
I was hesitant to join in on this one with some simple psychology that I have been following these days.
Live "now" with no blame, have a vision of the future and move toward that vision.
However --- as grassfarmer has pointed out -- I also support a responsible resolution by the Feds over the BSE fiasco. Our argument has always been that should the Feds be responsible and pay up with taxpayers dollars, every dollar spent will generate 5 or 6 into an economy that could still use some stimulus.
As for the debate over value of animals and the economy of ranching. The only way I can look at this one is to accept the "now". The cattle biz is seriously one of the last remnants of what could be called free enterprise. And that is mainly at the grassroots level. Market manipulation at the packer level has caused the free enterprise title to be challenged beyond the farm gate.
So -- buy low, and take your chances boys. And even though it sucks burnt, we can't be overly concerned with the plight of those who CHOOSE to give up or sell into a depressed market. All death is fertiliser for life. This phrase could relate to the economy of ranching as long as the folks doing the scavenging use it for something good.
Speaking of which --- once all of us scavengers accept our cheques for the class action settlement -- including you grassfarmer --- please consider using it to buy back your industry and not just head to Costa Rica.
I think that debating whether buying good bred cows for twelve hundred dollars is fair or not is a moot point. I don't thing they're going to be there anyway. The last cull cows we sold brought eleven hundred dollars, and that was Manitoba price, non age verified, and not all that big either. If breds are going for anything within a hundred or two of a thousand dollars, they'll be on their way to the packers, not someone's herd.
This is why cows at our place who screw up are looking over their shoulders right now. We need the cash more than we need bad cows. For the forseeable future, there will be no reluctance to cull a cow on any operation, (not just ours) which will contribute to a reduced herd.
The problem comes when the national herd is reduced to a size where one of the two big packers decide we're not worth it. Then you'll see a whole new set of woes. If anyone thinks we've got a lack of competition for our cattle now, all I can say is "You haven't seen anything yet."
The government will probably have to ante up more money in corporate welfare cheques to keep the big processors happy than what they owe us over the BSE debacle. And guess who they will be more willing to pay? Not us, that's for sure.
Every cent that gets paid out in subsidies to keep the beef processing going can be directly blamed on the BSE fiasco.
Of course we've pointed this out many times to those in charge, and it has yet to sink in.
Well now that I've cooled off a bit I see it is necessary to apologize for so strongly and wrongly venting my anger following Allfarmer's post. I'm sorry Allfarmer. Go do your best.
One thing I have learned a little more clearly as a result of 7 years of selling cattle far below cost of production is the value of treating others as I would like to be treated. It is a principle that has clear implications for every aspect of life - including business . . .
As for you grassfarmer, it pains me deeply to come to the realization that the scope of your rationality necessarily precludes you from seeing the difference between holding an entity (in this case - the federal government) accountable for damages resulting its actions, and asking for a bailout. I'm truly surprised that you don't see it as "just good business".
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