I wonder just how much money a person can make swath grazing?
I'll put some numbers out there and please tell me where I'm wrong or whatever?
Rent on crop land- I my area it usually is in that $80/ac range for barley. Either cash/crop share/ 22bu cash barley. Canola is more.
Fertilizer and application-$62(low for a crop)
-spaying-$20 (only a cheap broadleaf and appliction)
-seed $16 (2bu/ac barley)
-One pass heavey harrows-$6
-seeding $16 (airseeder)
-swathing $12/ac
So by the time I have it in the swath I have $195/ac invested?
If I feed a cow for 200 days at 35 lb, I need 7000 lb. of feed?
How much feed can I expect per acre?
Would one acre of swath grazing be enough for one cow for 200 days? How much waste?
I'll put some numbers out there and please tell me where I'm wrong or whatever?
Rent on crop land- I my area it usually is in that $80/ac range for barley. Either cash/crop share/ 22bu cash barley. Canola is more.
Fertilizer and application-$62(low for a crop)
-spaying-$20 (only a cheap broadleaf and appliction)
-seed $16 (2bu/ac barley)
-One pass heavey harrows-$6
-seeding $16 (airseeder)
-swathing $12/ac
So by the time I have it in the swath I have $195/ac invested?
If I feed a cow for 200 days at 35 lb, I need 7000 lb. of feed?
How much feed can I expect per acre?
Would one acre of swath grazing be enough for one cow for 200 days? How much waste?