By "not as good", I meant that back then there were no other options except work. Which is OK if you are healthy. If you are not, then things could get rough. There was no pension, no safety net.
As for retirement, we're not really planning on it either. We're just going to keep chugging along, and downsize as needed to match the workload to the desire and ability to work.
We know some people who have retired in their 50's, like all the experts say they should. What we've noticed is that it didn't take long for idleness to get pretty boring. Some went back to work pretty quick.
As for retirement, we're not really planning on it either. We're just going to keep chugging along, and downsize as needed to match the workload to the desire and ability to work.
We know some people who have retired in their 50's, like all the experts say they should. What we've noticed is that it didn't take long for idleness to get pretty boring. Some went back to work pretty quick.