I would agree with all of the rest of you guys and tend to lean toward per's thougths. Only thing I continue to add is the export theme to deplete and Natural Canadian product even further. This will only drive up price for those 50 head plants and farm gate sales.
Canadians can afford to pay more for their food and especaily for food raised conciously and presented that way. That is why we do not need to compete with Cargill and the "Boys" any more. They will supply those who don't think they can afford a high quality healthier product -- yes I know grassfarmer --- that is a marketing statement and not a fact.
Marketing is what this is all about though guys. And we all know that some people will refuse to pay and if the Canadian herd numbers drop even further --- Cargill will save the day for those folks who have no patriotism nor care about Canadian ranchers well being and will bring them beef from their plants in Brazil.
Canadians can afford to pay more for their food and especaily for food raised conciously and presented that way. That is why we do not need to compete with Cargill and the "Boys" any more. They will supply those who don't think they can afford a high quality healthier product -- yes I know grassfarmer --- that is a marketing statement and not a fact.
Marketing is what this is all about though guys. And we all know that some people will refuse to pay and if the Canadian herd numbers drop even further --- Cargill will save the day for those folks who have no patriotism nor care about Canadian ranchers well being and will bring them beef from their plants in Brazil.