I hauled in three old cows last week to the auction. They were 12/14/15.
One had lost her calf, and the other two were in calf but probably still a month out.
The 15 year old weighed 1640 and brought 56 cents. $918.
The 14 yr. old weighed 1740 and brought 57.50= $1000
The 12 yr. old weighed 1820 at 66.75= $1214!
I was surprized they weighed so much. They were pretty fat. They were all Sim X angus.
One had lost her calf, and the other two were in calf but probably still a month out.
The 15 year old weighed 1640 and brought 56 cents. $918.
The 14 yr. old weighed 1740 and brought 57.50= $1000
The 12 yr. old weighed 1820 at 66.75= $1214!
I was surprized they weighed so much. They were pretty fat. They were all Sim X angus.