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Global Economy global citizens

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    Global Economy global citizens

    I thought you'd be interested in a quote from Minister of Education Dave Hancock. It is from a letter written June 16, 2011 to the Delia School Council (of PrairieLand Regional School Division).

    Here is the quote:

    "Alberta's economy, our people and how we do business are all in a period of change. Our children are entitled to an education that prepares them to be global citizens who participate in a global economy."

    The full letter can be seen at: http://www.delia.ca/attachments/view/237/minister_of_education.pdf

    So who is giving the marching orders to Minister Hancock? Who is setting the curriculum for our children (the new global citizens)?

    Are they just training our children to become good corporate workers, OR should they actually be educating our children with real knowledge, in order that they may decide their course, for themselves?

    It will be very hard for future generations to be independent thinkers if our school curriculum continues to lead them down the path to the sheep dip!

    Some of you may disagree with my opinion here, saying we need our kids to understand the global realities, the global markets, the global opportunities etc... please keep in mind that when one thinks globally, one must be prepared to go down with the ship (ie - other nations that don't do so well).

    I am concerned that this policy of making "global citizens" of our children will degrade our local support infrastructure(s) - starting with the family. How many children now live and work on separate continents than their parents? How do we maintain our family values/morals when there is an ocean between us? How do we create strong local communities when the "prize" is considered to be "getting the most buck for your product" at the expense, perhaps, of our own communities.

    Frankly, the global community doesn't give a rats derrière about my family.

    "It will be very hard for future generations to be independent thinkers" Liberal academia has no intention of making them independent thinkers. Their goal is to convert them to socialist thinkers with a sense of “entitlement”.

    Before we even contemplate the global issue, maybe we should be alarmed at how many kids come from homes with a mom and a family with 3 dads, and no concept of real family values or unconditional love.

    These kids are into the 2nd and 3rd generations. That’s horrifying.


      Kathy, this is exactly why Candace and I
      decided to home-school our kids, and
      more in our area are thinking about it.
      THey keep cutting back buses, cutting
      spending in the schools and expecting
      parents to pay for more stuff, all the
      while the kids are not getting the
      education they used to. I do not feel
      that kids now days are any smarter than
      kids 20 years ago, except they know more
      about technology because they are raised
      with it. The difference is, 20 years
      ago, you didn't get homework piled on
      you - the teacher somehow managed to
      teach you everything IN CLASS between
      9am and 3:30pm.

      To me, the education system here is a
      joke. My oldest girl(14) lives with her
      Mom, and her supply list for school was
      unreal. I asked one of her teachers if
      they'd like us to start leasing the
      desks and lockers yet.


        Life will become less about intellect and more about intuition as we humans evolve.

        Less fear and more love.... ooops forgot where I was for a minute there....LOL sorry agrivillers --- peace out.


          "Frankly, the global community doesn't give a rats derrière about my family."

          Very true Kathy...a very big rat race where the biggest rats are winning as usual. The "Global Community" is a small cabal who would like to have a homogenized world populace to buy from and sell to on their terms. Harmonization of trade rules and regulations and "cookie cutter" education systems serve them well.

          Teach your kids to think and question about our present system and how or if it serves us well or not. There are far too many dysfunctional "robots" educated by TV in this world and that can't be good.




              PrisonPlanet is NOT a good source of information...period. It is designed to scare people that dark forces in this world are controlling us and we are practically defenseless against them.

              Any info presented should be viewed for its entertainment value only as it does not present a balanced view on ANYTHING or ANYBODY.


                Burbagro And yer A Piece of Shit, So whats yer Point???????


                  My point is that there are mis-information sites dedicated to screw with your mind. They are malicious fear-mongers and they do have a following...God knows why.


                    Prison Planet is a location for information. Deciding what is real or not is OUR job, we can't expect perfection ... having said this, many things have awoken me to REALITIES of life. For his part, radio host Alex Jones of Infowars.com and Prisonplanet.com, has been a big part in this shake-up. Derry Brownfield (God rest his soul), also another American radio host, was looking at the farming and ranching agendas, and how they relate to the NEW WORLD ORDER.

                    Sure, it's scary stuff. If you listen to it all the time, you'll get depressed. However, having the opinion that there is nothing you can do about the evils of this world, is not something I get from all of this information.

                    I process information based on an open-mind, and keeping a strong sense of skepticism.... having said that, sometimes it feels like the AGENDA is plugging along just as these "radio hosts" and their guests have told us it would. This knowledge allows me to almost predict what is coming (government responses) before it happens.

                    I'm actually shocked to see that nobody has yet commented that "we need our kids to be global citizens"....

                    Do you think that global citizens should pay their TAXES to a small nationalist government like Canada, or to the New World Government (perhaps the United Nations?)

                    While we didn't home school our kids, we sure had a heck of alot to do with their education, including thoroughly reviewing the "ideas" promalgated in their homework, text-books and curriculum. This allowed them to share with their teachers ideas which didn't necessarily line-up with the liberal, socialist, and corporate worship agenda. All their high school teachers really appreciated their in-depth understanding of the different issues. What is even better, is that within their group of friends, debates often lead to "educating" those that weren't aware of happenings or ideas....

                    Alex Jones documentaries are very good (dark, yes) but that is because you are watching so much evil in just a few short hours. We cannot effectively fight against evil, without first knowing what to look for.

                    Above all, we must share our love for one and other - even our enemies - that doesn't mean we roll over and let corporate jerks (for lack of stronger words) walk over us.

                    Case in point, Alberta Transportation bought less than an acre of grazing lease/land from us for a culvert extention/repair. They wanted to give us "ONE DOLLAR" for our time and property. This is how we are treated by our own government's employees. Needless to say, that's not how the deal went down.

                    The truth has a funny way of letting you know its "undeniable".


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