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Cows and NIST what do they have in common?

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    Cows and NIST what do they have in common?

    What do cows and NIST (the National Institute of Science and Technology) have in common?

    They're both full of shit! Please excuse my french.

    At least when it comes to the NIST report on 911 and why 3 world trade center buildings collapsed on September 11, 2001.

    After a week of watching (or in my case, trying to avoid) fresh government and presstitute propaganda, I'm glad to see that this group (Architects and Engineers for 911 Truth) hasn't been sitting on their derriers waiting for someone else to do the work.

    We all want to know the truth, or do we??

    Here is an exceptional documentary which has put together the findings and conclusions of hundreds of architects and engineers around the world:



    PURCHASE this DVD at: http://www.ae911truth.net/store/ — 9/11

    TRUTH is the ultimate Anti-War message — Support the dedicated work of Architect, Richard Gage, AIA, and 1,600 Architects and Engineers. — Show the DVD to your friends and family so they know the pretext for 2 wars is based on a LIE!


      Kathy, Kathy, Kathy...please do not post such absolute crap where intelligent people might happen upon it.

      These 'conspiracy' nuts love to twist the truth and are spending time and money to spread their outright LIES.


        Did you watch the video? Do you believe everything your government tells you? Are you weaned yet....or are you still wet behind the ears?


          I watched the video. I'm dry behind my ears.

          Any other questions?


            And what would you have us believe? That
            the good ol' USA is out to help and
            protect all who need it, and that every
            flag-d****d coffin has been for a
            worthwhile cause. Please.....


              Intelligent people?


                After the Hollywood work that the US did with Jessica
                Lynch and Pat Tillman plus other theatricals, how can
                anyone believe without a doubt what any gov't says.
                Questioning is always a good thing.

                After all, isn't anything possible. You just have to read
                a couple books to see that it is.


                  I could never figure out why those two airplanes were ever needed to crash into the twin towers when that "conveniently" placed cache of explosives was already in place. It makes no sense whatsoever.

                  The conspiracy theorists use no logic at all...they're just beating their gums in an attempt for attention. Pay no attention to their crazy theories and their "thermite" b.s. "discoveries".
                  Most of them wouldn't know thermite from a termite.


                    NIST actually stands for National Institute of "Standards" and Technology. (I mistakenly wrote "science").

                    Everyday knowledge we have from our experiences in our lives, contributes to the decisions in our lives.

                    We (my hubby and I) did not need others to tell us that the towers and building 7 DID NOT FALL due to fires. My hubby is trained in construction and building technology... and I know how to access information on the internet, etc. for facts. Jet fuel and building materials can not create temperatures high enough to melt steel.

                    I am sickened by the purposeful use of 9-11 to restrict our lives, and take lives of soldiers and innocent people. There has been enough death and destruction.

                    Supposed metal beams from the towers have been sent to far-reaching places for "memorials", like in Calgary (the military museum), and Gander, to "remind everyone" of the event, and to remind everyone as to who the enemy "should be"(according to official government doctrine).....

                    People who refuse to see the evidence presented in this documentary, for what it is - a more probable explanation for the collaspes than the fiction thrown at us by a corrupt government agency, are free to live their lives within their "view of the world". You are NOT FREE to exploit me and my family to maintain your beliefs.

                    My beliefs on this subject and the request by like-minded people for an open and independent examination of the facts - in no way exploits others. If there is nothing to fear in another proper investigation, then why not go ahead with one.

                    Bush and Cheney were both allowed to testify to the 9-11 Commission without being "under oath". This surprised me, because if they did not fear a GOD and reprecussions for their lies... why not "swear" to tell the truth.

                    Good will prevail, the truth will prevail and I wish all my fellow men and women PEACE in their lives. Enough war, enough fear, enough hate.

                    The decisions we make today for our future, and the decisions our politicians make for our future (like Harper's recent comment about "Canadians accepting our global citizenship") stem from our beliefs. Harper's beliefs are not mine. This is why we must take time from our everyday business lives (in this cattle industry), to look outside and seek the truth.


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