That's Randall Mr. burnt and not "the Randall".
And who said it was a typo? The Cameron is Gaelic in origin --- according to some --- it means crooked nose, crooked stream or even crooked hill...
A lawyer with a crooked name --- what the hell..LOL
But we all know that our "the Cameron" is a straight a shooter as you will find.
I think that when I get back from China with a P O for a few million pounds of beef we should take to the road and sell the shit out of the Balzac plant and the class action suit at the same time.
And who said it was a typo? The Cameron is Gaelic in origin --- according to some --- it means crooked nose, crooked stream or even crooked hill...
A lawyer with a crooked name --- what the hell..LOL
But we all know that our "the Cameron" is a straight a shooter as you will find.
I think that when I get back from China with a P O for a few million pounds of beef we should take to the road and sell the shit out of the Balzac plant and the class action suit at the same time.