The Feds finally brought in a ruminant feed ban in August 1997 (effective October 1997). The problem is that this feed ban was based on the British July, 1988 model, before the Brits realized the problems associated with cross-contamination affecting feed manufacturing lines and assorted equipment.
The Brit feed ban that finally addressed these problems (and the issue of cross-feeding) which has resulted in the very near eradication of BSE in Britain was enacted in Britain in March of 1996. So why was our 1997 feed ban based on the older, unsuccessful 1988 model when the British experience had taught that it did not work?
In July 2007 the Feds finally enacted a feed ban based on the British 1996 model. I am not aware that any serious efforts were made before that time to ensure that cross-contamination and cross-feeding possibilities were addressed.
Yes, we have included these issues in our allegations of negligence.
The Brit feed ban that finally addressed these problems (and the issue of cross-feeding) which has resulted in the very near eradication of BSE in Britain was enacted in Britain in March of 1996. So why was our 1997 feed ban based on the older, unsuccessful 1988 model when the British experience had taught that it did not work?
In July 2007 the Feds finally enacted a feed ban based on the British 1996 model. I am not aware that any serious efforts were made before that time to ensure that cross-contamination and cross-feeding possibilities were addressed.
Yes, we have included these issues in our allegations of negligence.