Kato, the rules won't change for the US - they are
OIE rules implemented globally. It's not only south
America that has FMD - I get email notification of
outbreaks on a regular basis from China, Russia,
Korea, the fringes of the EU. The disease is
widespread but it's most likely avenue of entry into
Canada would be deliberate sabotage.
I can't believe everybody will sit here and point
fingers about BSE yet fail to even think about FMD.
Badmouthing CFIA or the Government and making
threatening noises that they had better protect us
from FMD while we as an industry have not even had
a discussion on FMD seems hypocritical to me.
Someone mentioned vaccination for FMD - yes,
there is one but no it doesn't mask the disease it
controls it. Vaccination has side effects - the main
one being some countries don't accept beef/cattle
that have been FMD vaccinated. Yet in the face of an
outbreak of FMD OIE rules prohibit export of
beef/cattle anyway. Meanwhile countries like the
Netherlands have vaccinated hogs for decades and
can still export their pork. To my knowledge there
hasn't been a discussion at an industry organization
level on any of this stuff and whether we adopt a
vaccination or cull policy in the case of an outbreak.
Don't you think that should be happening? or are
you happy just to head blindly along and try and sue
the Government retrospectively?
On the BSE score I guess I just look at it different
being closer to the epicentre of the disease in the
UK when it first occurred. It was a disease that came
out of nowhere and no-one could have anticipated
it ahead of the initial cases. On the financial front I
feel we suffered a lot more in the UK that we have
done in Canada. Personally we lost an export market
for native breed cattle to continental Europe as far
back as 1989 so I had 11 years of BSE experience
before any of you saw it in Canada. At the end of
the day it was a business problem - something to
be managed around if we are to continue with our
businesses. I've done that and intend to move on,
no point staying bitter and saying life ended the day
there was a case of BSE in Canada because it didn't.
OIE rules implemented globally. It's not only south
America that has FMD - I get email notification of
outbreaks on a regular basis from China, Russia,
Korea, the fringes of the EU. The disease is
widespread but it's most likely avenue of entry into
Canada would be deliberate sabotage.
I can't believe everybody will sit here and point
fingers about BSE yet fail to even think about FMD.
Badmouthing CFIA or the Government and making
threatening noises that they had better protect us
from FMD while we as an industry have not even had
a discussion on FMD seems hypocritical to me.
Someone mentioned vaccination for FMD - yes,
there is one but no it doesn't mask the disease it
controls it. Vaccination has side effects - the main
one being some countries don't accept beef/cattle
that have been FMD vaccinated. Yet in the face of an
outbreak of FMD OIE rules prohibit export of
beef/cattle anyway. Meanwhile countries like the
Netherlands have vaccinated hogs for decades and
can still export their pork. To my knowledge there
hasn't been a discussion at an industry organization
level on any of this stuff and whether we adopt a
vaccination or cull policy in the case of an outbreak.
Don't you think that should be happening? or are
you happy just to head blindly along and try and sue
the Government retrospectively?
On the BSE score I guess I just look at it different
being closer to the epicentre of the disease in the
UK when it first occurred. It was a disease that came
out of nowhere and no-one could have anticipated
it ahead of the initial cases. On the financial front I
feel we suffered a lot more in the UK that we have
done in Canada. Personally we lost an export market
for native breed cattle to continental Europe as far
back as 1989 so I had 11 years of BSE experience
before any of you saw it in Canada. At the end of
the day it was a business problem - something to
be managed around if we are to continue with our
businesses. I've done that and intend to move on,
no point staying bitter and saying life ended the day
there was a case of BSE in Canada because it didn't.