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Free Riding Lowers Market Returns 5-20%

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    Funding our industry is not optional.

    It would be delussional to say all the positive things that have led to higher cattle prices have been a result of check off dollars. The cattle industry has been and always will be led by market forces and market place demand. But that does not mean we as an industry can sit back and just let things happen to us.

    We cannot take our industry for granted. We need to respond to the anti meat, anti agriculture message. We need to respond to the RCalfs that wish to block access to our North American market. We need to respond to government when it wants to dictate how our industry operates. We all need to respond and not let some carry the load while others find excuses as to why they should not.


      MGMT "We need to respond to government when it wants to dictate how our industry operates." Hard to respond when ABP has its head up the Alberta government's ass.


        MGMT you also stated in this thread "Sorry to disappoint. I am not duly elected to anything big or small. I understand some of the people posting here do have positions of responsibility within the industry however that would not be me. " Would it be you are a highly paid adm. for ABP would doesn't want to the free ride end.


          MGMT you don't seem to be swaying many back to the non refundable side. Apparently a taste of freedom leads to a appetite for more.

          Regarding the big cattle feeders taking THEIR money back just because they want to keep it I say we just get over it. I believe that ABP has historically been collecting around 2.5 checkoffs per head. If we lose all the feedlots we still get 1.5.

          GF, in my world I can support the ABP and the refundable checkoff without contradiction. The proposal for publishing the refundees names is simply to deter those who would rather not feel the need to defend taking their money back. Having that information out in the open seems to me to be a healthier situation than having it ABP board confidential.


            HT, "...is simply to deter those who would rather
            not feel the need to defend taking their money
            Thats sounds like intimidation to me. As you
            said about the feedlot operators it is THEIR
            money that is being refunded so why the need
            to have to "defend" their actions to anybody?


              I think you are right grassfarmer. there seems to be one guy posting under a number of code names here on agriville in some weird attempt to have us believe that the ABP/CCA free loader game is supported by more than one person...LOL ... At least one person with guts enough to make these ridiculous statements on agriville; which the current disguise, MGMT, is making.

              We have all asked this question of your former aliases MGMT. Who are you???????? LOL

              Fun and games ....


                I like to believe that I belong to a new generation of producers who have a vision of a competitive and profitable cattle industry. I invest in that industry in many ways. One way I invest in our industries future is through the check off. It is about the most cost effective investment I make. I think it is ridiculous that some people do not share the small cost of moving our industry forward.

                The refundable check off system has two critical problems. One is the free rider problem. As long as people believe they do not have to shoulder their fair share then the overall ability to get the job done is diminished. As rents, wages, various costs such as communicating a positive message about beef to consumers increase then the check off will have to increase to compensate for the free riders refund requests. This will inevitably lead to even more refund requests as the remaining producers become increasingly frustrated at carrying the load while others do not. The other problem is the power to influence cattle industry policy that a few very large producers gain as a result of a refundable check off.

                A refundable check off system is a ball of yarn that can only unwind to get smaller and smaller.

                A non refundable check off is fair and treats everyone equally. Anyone can afford to invest $3 in their industry. And everyone needs to. We cannot take the work the check off is doing for granted or else the money will not be there when the next crisis or industry challenge arises.


                  I think the issue with ABP and
                  refundable checkoff relates to the
                  choice not the voice.
                  Pretty well everyone readily agrees in
                  vestment in R & D is a good idea, pretty
                  well everyone agrees collective lobbying
                  of government is a good idea, pretty
                  well everyone agrees beef promotion is a
                  good idea. No one agrees on what we
                  should lobby for or how we should
                  approach things. That is the issue.
                  A collective effort is good as long as
                  there is consensus on the collective
                  I think the question is not whether
                  there is benefit from checkoff or the
                  need for a collective voice, the
                  question is does ABP have to be the
                  collective conduit and does the
                  structure/approach/function of ABP best
                  serve the collective need?


                    There have been a lot of valid points raised on this thread. I have to agree with MGMNT on the need of a collective advertising campaign to counteract false accusations and discredit organizations such as PETA. Their also has to be a proactive advertising campaign endorsing the health benefits and environmental synergies provided by eating beef. I certainly don't think that ABP/CCA has the capability or desire to effectively mount that campaign. Their focus has been to spend millions on legal action towards reversing the decisions made by another sovereign nation. The WTO decision had no effect on our softwood lumber and will not have an effect on the purchase of higher priced beef. Look at the "win" over using implants and the results. The EU is still not buying implanted steers.
                    An agency that could deliver could be the new Canada Beef organization with a check-off directly from the packers from every animal slaughtered and also from every animal that is exported. Even though I am skeptical of the "trickle-down" aspects of profit from the packers, I am certain I will carry my full share of the costs. Today the cost of the RFID tag costs more than the packers are putting into the marketing equation....talk about a free rider.


                      Smcgrath76 You are talking about a directional check off.

                      Please allow me to use this example. I am familiar with a number of professional organizations. I am speaking of professional organizations such as accountants, surveyors, engineers and architects. They all are established by provincial statute much the same as the various provincial cattle organizations that I am aware of. By law these professional organizations charge a membership fee. The membership fee is roughly equivalent to what a typical producer would pay for check off. These professional organizations are structured much the same as your typical provincial cattle organization. That is they have a democratic structure where the membership decide upon the direction of their professions. Resolutions are passed, board members are elected and so on.

                      If anyone suggested that somehow the professional membership fee should be directed elsewhere they would be laughed at. It is simply ludicrous. Now the members are free to join other organizations like the Chamber of Commerce or the Rotary. But the professional fees they pay are to fund the work of the organization that the province has established to represent their profession.

                      Where you might find a difference between the provincial cattle organizations and the professional organizations is the cattle organizations go to huge lengths to be democratic. Whether it is travelling ballot boxes, province wide meetings, elections, zone participation the producer driven cattle organizations such as ABP, SCA, BCA, MCP, OCA and the others walk the talk when it comes to democracy.

                      Another area where you would find a difference is the professionals speak with one voice. Even though there is often strong disagreement on issues that is very vocally debated at AGMs once the meeting is over the participants come out of the meeting and speak with one voice. Apparently cattle producers have not yet learned the absolute necessity of doing that.


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