Thanks R.Kaiser I couldn't have said it better myself. Wait a minute , I think I have!
The amount of money abp has collected over the years since its inception have been truly wasted. If they had only save a portion year after year they would have had enough for any fight any issue and have millions left in the bank.
Why are you so touchy F_S once you started posting on this tread you automatically went on the defensive with no mention of your alias what so ever.
Thanks for ear everyone. Back to work. Good luck to all those calving rigth now .
The amount of money abp has collected over the years since its inception have been truly wasted. If they had only save a portion year after year they would have had enough for any fight any issue and have millions left in the bank.
Why are you so touchy F_S once you started posting on this tread you automatically went on the defensive with no mention of your alias what so ever.
Thanks for ear everyone. Back to work. Good luck to all those calving rigth now .