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CCA - Canada Beef Inc.- CCMDC - Three strikes

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    CCA - Canada Beef Inc.- CCMDC - Three strikes

    Had to pour myself a beer and a clam for this one boys and girls. It is no wonder that good men like Cam Ostercamp quit butting their heads against the brick wall we call our industry leadership after experiencing days like this.

    I truly feel that I have been practicing patients and trying not to lay blame on anyone in the last while as we continue to move forward with our plans to open the Balzac beef packing plant and allowing producer participation as well as ownership.

    As I said in the last thread I posted on, we are not stopping and it will be your choice to participate or continue to go with the flow. So tempting to write something more sarcastic at the end, bottom, or greased up backside of that last sentence.

    Today was another one of those days for dealing with the elected officials that govern our industry and the employees who they direct.

    Our company has attempted to work with these industry officials three times in the last few weeks and I have already mentioned how one of these efforts was met with rejection in the form of an application for market research funding under the CCMDC or legacy fund. This fund consists of an earmarked 170 million dollars to regain markets lost after BSE. If you ask the CCMDC folks about how much is left, it ain’t much. If you ask them where it went; well it went to re open borders to Canadian Beef of course. Was there any money available for a company who met with more than one group in China that could take every ounce of beef from Cargill and NB in Alberta ---- Nope. Strike one.

    We also requested a list of Hong Kong and Chinese importers that we could work with to start our samples flowing into China. This request began with the Alberta government and they directed us to Canada Beef Inc. who also has a huge influence on the CCMDC marketing fund. After a few days of waiting, we got the list. 4 importers in Hong Kong. Holy shitcakes, that must have taken a pile of the 170 million to acquire. We decided to ask the Chinese / Hong Kong government for a list and got 5 or 6 pages – sorry can’t remember the exact number right now with 30 importers on each page. Strike two.

    Last week we picked up a box full of the new/ old CBEF, Canadian Beef and Veal handbooks. These are some glossy fancy shit folks. I don’t know how many of your hard earned check off dollars went in to these babies, but those were well spent dollars. At the same time, we asked for an electronic version that we could have translated by our people for our Chinese customers. We even found out that the document was already translated and available at the Hong Kong office. A little hard for us to jump back on the big bird and fly over to Hong Kong to grab some and then drop them off out the Air Canada cargo door as we flew over our customers offices in China. So we asked for the electronic version so that we could email it. Rejected……… both the English and Chinese versions. The excuse that the secretary gave us after the executives would not pick up the phone and talk to me was that we might copy the copy written version and use it for ourselves. My question for myself and everyone reading along at this point is “who am I”? Or who are “ourselves”? Oh my God. That document should not only be available to me but should be on face book and twitter and every other social and private media outlet in the world promoting Canadian beef. Strike three.

    I won’t make you suffer through any more of this sufferin succotash and besides I need another beer. I would like to end with one last bit about the check off that funds these folks we have been dealing with. I am mandated by law to still pay the $1.00 to these industry leaders and it is automatically deducted from any cattle I sell by public auction. When I sell my bulls or purebred stock privately, I do not pay the $3.00 and then ask to get reimbursed and thus the $1.00 mandatory payment stays in my pocket.

    I know it is not a lot of money but I really hope that someone from CCA or a lawyer sent by CCA shows up at my bull sale asking for their 50 bucks some day. I will kick his ass out the sale barn door on our live feed internet broadcast video.

    Have a lovely evening everyone. Cheers.

    Thought you ordered a new drill? Print Gerry
    Bourgault at the top then 400 bottom right corner
    then add 3 more zero's a dot then 2 more zero's
    sign it then your done.


      I thought you would of had those black jacket socialist farmers on their knees begging you for mercy by now, what have you been doing from when you were last banned until now?


        i presume this land 4 4800 an acre is in
        the glenboro area.


          Don't be foolish/greedy, SELL-SELL-SELL!!! Let-em have it--oneway or an udder!!!


            i will sell 4 4 thousand anyone who wants
            my phone number'machinery included.


              As the kids on Facebook say, WTF???

              A copywrite is supposed to protect the people who pay good money to produce a product. Who do they think paid for this??? Those books belong to every one of us who ever paid a checkoff dollar.

              They got those books printed somewhere, and I bet it was in Canada. They need to print up a bunch and send them directly to you. You paid for them, and they belong to you... and the rest of us too. That's their responsibility as the representatives of Canadian beef exports.

              Shame on them.


                Why would yous guess Glensboro??? Land trading fer Big Money round there??? Lotta Old Money once yous get out on toppa The Old Shores of Lake Agassiz. This land near Minnowville aka Winkler, Corn/Bean Ground ONLY. Yous ever find out how bigga tract at Pilots Mound that rented fer $120 to thee Acre??? Who got The Ground??? How much more to rent at that price, Probly the whole county eh!!!!!!!!


                  Goin pains in Saskabush, who'd ever thunk


                    heard this morning in coffee shop hutts
                    bought 1 quarter 4 5000 an acre.my memory
                    is terrible but i beleive it was 4 or 5
                    quarters rented 4 110 dollars. the owner
                    took 2nd highest bid and gave it 2 orignal
                    renter in pilot mound area.


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