My previous post may have sounded
pessimistic, and it was not intended
that way. It was more a case of I can
readily see why you would not expand the
cowherd. As for the grain farming
investment, most grain farms are already
parts of the arms race and their
equipment can readily handle more acres
(making it cheaper for the whole farm).
The addition of cows requires more
capital, not less.
Grain farming is riskier but the risk
management products are also a lot
better in my estimation.
For those that know me I am generally
always an optimist and we continue to
work on cowherd expansion and
improvement. We have taken some licks
the last few years on different
ventures, but our costs today are at
least 50% lower than they were in 2003,
our cow herd is bigger, and the overall
quality is better. We are also starting
more diversification out of the
commodity marketplace. Things are
pretty exciting in the beef business
around here.
pessimistic, and it was not intended
that way. It was more a case of I can
readily see why you would not expand the
cowherd. As for the grain farming
investment, most grain farms are already
parts of the arms race and their
equipment can readily handle more acres
(making it cheaper for the whole farm).
The addition of cows requires more
capital, not less.
Grain farming is riskier but the risk
management products are also a lot
better in my estimation.
For those that know me I am generally
always an optimist and we continue to
work on cowherd expansion and
improvement. We have taken some licks
the last few years on different
ventures, but our costs today are at
least 50% lower than they were in 2003,
our cow herd is bigger, and the overall
quality is better. We are also starting
more diversification out of the
commodity marketplace. Things are
pretty exciting in the beef business
around here.