ProFarmer, no one asked us either. We're keeping heifers, sure, but it's only to replace the cows that have gotten old in the years that they weren't worth culling. The herd is down from five years ago, and we're having enough trouble just keeping it from getting smaller, let alone expanding it.
I'm not sure if I could count all the neighbours who've gotten out of cows without writing it on a list to keep track. There are than many of them.
Grain farming is not an option for us, since it takes a pretty good sized land base to support the equipment needed. When we got married, we had lots of neighbours who farmed grain, and had cattle on the side. Now we've got lots of neighbours who have either sold out to the four or five big grain farmers still around, or have rented to them. And hardly of them has a cow now. Only hobby herds. There are more farmyards with non farmers living in them, than with farmers. If the farms are farther from town, then the old yards have been bulldozed.
Rural depopulation in action. Right before our eyes.
I'm not sure if I could count all the neighbours who've gotten out of cows without writing it on a list to keep track. There are than many of them.
Grain farming is not an option for us, since it takes a pretty good sized land base to support the equipment needed. When we got married, we had lots of neighbours who farmed grain, and had cattle on the side. Now we've got lots of neighbours who have either sold out to the four or five big grain farmers still around, or have rented to them. And hardly of them has a cow now. Only hobby herds. There are more farmyards with non farmers living in them, than with farmers. If the farms are farther from town, then the old yards have been bulldozed.
Rural depopulation in action. Right before our eyes.