bucket . . . if Cdn production is
threatened by weather, canola prices
will go to a sharp inverse to soyoil.
But canola buyers will start to look
elsewhere and substitute veg oil
supplies. Canola prices would go up, but
canola export demand may falter . . .
it's all about the law of supply and
Guys . . . I've mentioned this before,
but if stock markets heave, commodities
heave no matter the supply or the
demand. The battle for supply will just
happen at a lower price point. The sky
is not the limit for cash canola prices.
threatened by weather, canola prices
will go to a sharp inverse to soyoil.
But canola buyers will start to look
elsewhere and substitute veg oil
supplies. Canola prices would go up, but
canola export demand may falter . . .
it's all about the law of supply and
Guys . . . I've mentioned this before,
but if stock markets heave, commodities
heave no matter the supply or the
demand. The battle for supply will just
happen at a lower price point. The sky
is not the limit for cash canola prices.