More Info On Seismic Under Bill 24
A Bit of Info on Seismic Operations under Bill 24 (CCS)
The Farmers Advocate Office is reluctant to issue much information on what is coming down the pipes on new rules for seismic and injection wells, under the new realities of the land theft bill, Bill 24-the Carbon Capture & Storage Statutes Amendment Act.
Actually this is understandable? The Alberta government does not want landowners to know about further restrictions on their property rights before an election…..this would put their so called “solution” of a Property Rights Advocate Office in a difficult position? How can a government justify spending $millions on an advocate……….while continuing to steal your property…..a pretty tough sell?
One little off the cuff remark was made: “ALL SEISMIC operations will be subject to right of entry….not just CCS evidence procurement”!
So for all you guys who thought if you kept seismic operations off your land, you would never get a well……sorry…….you can’t keep them out anymore!
It has been suggested, by several people who studied Bill 24, that carbon capture & storage was never really about saving the planet from C02? It was always about stealing your property and not having to pay for it! It was always about drilling every square inch of your land for peanuts!
With the recent advent of horizontal drilling and multi stage hydro fracking in the shales (and the resulting pushback from landowners trying to protect their water), it was very apparent to the government/oil companies that they needed complete control of the sub surface under your land? Otherwise they would have to pay the landowner for underground trespass and face liability issues in court when they destroyed the water! …….Way too costly and time consuming!
Throw in some free C02 (paid for by the taxpayer) for some enhanced oil recovery projects and some “green wash” propaganda for the bitumen pits at Fort Mac……and the government/oil companies have a winner!..........that is what Bill 24 is really all about!
Expect the Oil companies to empty the slush funds in this upcoming election! If a new party gets in, that has promised to scrap Bill 24, their greatest triumph will go down the drain. All their lobbying efforts to buy the government will have been in vain! The multiple $millions spent corrupting the government will have been wasted!
This election will be our last chance to stop this madness? This will be our last chance to protect our property for future generations? The time is NOW!
A Bit of Info on Seismic Operations under Bill 24 (CCS)
The Farmers Advocate Office is reluctant to issue much information on what is coming down the pipes on new rules for seismic and injection wells, under the new realities of the land theft bill, Bill 24-the Carbon Capture & Storage Statutes Amendment Act.
Actually this is understandable? The Alberta government does not want landowners to know about further restrictions on their property rights before an election…..this would put their so called “solution” of a Property Rights Advocate Office in a difficult position? How can a government justify spending $millions on an advocate……….while continuing to steal your property…..a pretty tough sell?
One little off the cuff remark was made: “ALL SEISMIC operations will be subject to right of entry….not just CCS evidence procurement”!
So for all you guys who thought if you kept seismic operations off your land, you would never get a well……sorry…….you can’t keep them out anymore!
It has been suggested, by several people who studied Bill 24, that carbon capture & storage was never really about saving the planet from C02? It was always about stealing your property and not having to pay for it! It was always about drilling every square inch of your land for peanuts!
With the recent advent of horizontal drilling and multi stage hydro fracking in the shales (and the resulting pushback from landowners trying to protect their water), it was very apparent to the government/oil companies that they needed complete control of the sub surface under your land? Otherwise they would have to pay the landowner for underground trespass and face liability issues in court when they destroyed the water! …….Way too costly and time consuming!
Throw in some free C02 (paid for by the taxpayer) for some enhanced oil recovery projects and some “green wash” propaganda for the bitumen pits at Fort Mac……and the government/oil companies have a winner!..........that is what Bill 24 is really all about!
Expect the Oil companies to empty the slush funds in this upcoming election! If a new party gets in, that has promised to scrap Bill 24, their greatest triumph will go down the drain. All their lobbying efforts to buy the government will have been in vain! The multiple $millions spent corrupting the government will have been wasted!
This election will be our last chance to stop this madness? This will be our last chance to protect our property for future generations? The time is NOW!