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Rats Leaving the Sinking Ship!

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    Rats Leaving the Sinking Ship!

    Lacombe-Ponoka MLA Ray Prins has resigned as the candidate for that riding. Prins was a member of the Property Rights Task FARCE.
    Apparently he didn't want to give back the 10% of his pay for sitting on the "do nothing" legislative committee, after Redford ordered it!
    Prins was no friend of farmers and ranchers and we are glad we are rid of him!

    The Premier asked only the portion since she became Premier to be returned. Past sins while she was just a meager member of Cabinet aren't her concern. Best for Prins to Jump ship before the transition allowance gets dumped.


      ASRG glad you are using the correct wording "task FARCE". A member of the grazing lease association who attended a the task farce meeting in Airdrie with various stakeholder groups in advance of the royal tour told me Ray Prinis summary of the meeting was that he just got back from a tour of Third World countries and their farms don't have property rights and they are happy as hell. I know the ASRG was there and were probably as discussed with Prinis comments as ours was..


        And the culture of corruption continues.... So Prins
        announced he won't stand in the upcoming election,
        obviously put out because he has been caught with
        his snout in the trough once too often.
        Step forward suggested replacement for the
        Lacombe-Ponoka constituency - current Lacombe
        mayor Steve Christie. I was just reading about him
        in the paper a couple of days ago - he was caught
        illegally charging Premier's Dinner tickets to the
        taxpayer in 2009. For those of you not from AB I
        should explain this appears to be a common
        practice around here whereby local councillors buy
        expensive tickets to attend a dinner with the
        Premier with the funds going to PC coffers and the
        councillors/mayors then claiming it as an expense
        that their ratepayers have to foot the bill for. It's
        been illegal since 2004. Christie is quoted as saying
        "I definitely knew the rules...it's definitely there in
        black and white and my signature is on it"
        Not only his signature on the cheques but those of
        the then mayor Judy Gordon - herself a former PC
        The revolving door of corruption, fraud and PC
        Government in Alberta continues. How arrogant do
        these people think they can be and still get elected?


          Have to wonder if Allison well delay calling for a election. She was just on Calgary news about the debate on some education bill being extended therefore a delay in calling for a election. She probably needs to have time to replace all the trough feeders that have quite or the real corupt ones that are just waiting to get caught.


            forage: It sure is a pain in the butt, trying to anticipate when Alison finally thinks the stars are in alighnment! I'm serving as my local WRP candidates campaign manager and we are ready to go....have been since March 1! It is difficult trying to keep two campaign offices staffed with eager volunteers when they just keep dragging it out? I have to give quite a few gung ho type speeches!
            We are going to smoke this riding!

            On another note: This whole "do nothing committe" scandal, really shows what kind of a gong show MLA's pay packages are? A bunch of smoke and mirrors, rewards handed out to the loyal backbenchers and the biggest butt kissers! Mr. Prins took home about $240K last year...not too shabby for a backbencher! Lots of cabinet ministers and "legislative assistants" were sneaking up on that $300K figure!
            I like the WRP idea of one decent salary, without all the no tax allowances or RRSP contributions or committee perks, etc.? Pay them $125,000/year, no extra goodies under the table?


              Just a note to Allison Redford who faithly reads agriville posting daily,I recommend that when Ray Prinis ask for his severence package of 850,000 dollars she deducts the amount of the pay he received for the do nothing committee which didn't meet for 4 years . Oh, plus interest of course.


                It is an interesting bunch. Our MLA
                left the PCs and is retired after this
                election, but is working with the WRP.
                I am not sure how you can exit a party
                and then work to undo all the work you
                spent the last few years on while
                stating the whole time you believed in
                the direction you were going. Talk
                about following the GPS over the
                We are in a real pickle here as the
                worst party may have the best candidate
                (and maybe vice versa).


                  Sean: It is always a problem when you have a good man running for the wrong party?
                  I come at it from a kind of different angle:

                  * I want those land theft bills gone.
                  * I don't need someone to run my life for me. I want less government not more.
                  * I'm sick of getting shafted on leases, pipelines, etc. I'm tired of an incompetent regulator (ERCB) that is in the pocket of Big Oil.

                  In my constituency we have a young dynamic WRP candidate. Our present MLA is a totally incompetent member of the old boys club (Luke Ouellette) and is trying to hang on so he can pad his retirement package...so it is a no-brainer here!

                  I would suggest even if you have a good PC candidate, he will not be able to change the corrupt party in power? If you want more of the SAME....keep voting PC.


                    If the coke in the bottle tastes bad it does not matter that you have a shiny new bottle that you like. The only way to get movement on these Acts that will change the culture in Alberta is to install new content for the bottle. I have always voted for the person but this time I will vote for the party and do my best to mentor and educate the person. Our Grandparents made that same decision in 71, our parents got complacent and it it up to us to bravely go where our forefathers went. Brad Wall was an unknown too and look what has happened in Sask. Balanced budget, can't say that for Alberta for 5 budgets in a row.


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