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Premier Redford summoned by Bilderberg

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    Premier Redford summoned by Bilderberg

    The invitation-only, private annual meeting of the "Bilderberg Group" is taking place this weekend in Chantilly, Virginia; smack in the middle of defense contractors headquarters.

    Our newly elected Premier Alison Redford and an assistant are off (at the taxpayers expense) to meet with the world's elite and, according to Redford, the more "sophisticated" thinkers of the developed world.

    I'm certain she will be reporting on the progress being made on the HVDC power-lines, being built to export power from Alberta to the USA. As well, there will be much discussion about Alberta's Agenda 21 plans, otherwise known as "sustainable development" and the "Land Stewardship Act" - and the progress being made on our "seven regional plans" under this Act.

    Perhaps she will be instructed when to "proclaim into law" the new Animal Health Act Amendments... and Bill 19/the Land Assembly Project Area Act, and other such legislation awaiting the Lt. Govenor's proclamation.

    I note that the Bilderberg Group website [http://www.bilderbergmeetings.org/index.php] states that invited "participants attend Bilderberg in a private and not an official capacity." Yet, Premier Redford is apparantly charging this to the taxpayer, four days and $19,000 dollars.

    Some people call these meetings harmless. However, they include some of the worlds most powerful and influencial business and political elite. There are seven attendees from Canada this year:
    Alberta Premier Alison Redford,
    Mark Carney, Govenor Bank of Canada Nigel Wright Chief of Staff Canadian Prime Minister's Office
    Robert Prichard, Chair Torys LLP
    Heather Reisman, CEO Indigo Books and Music Inc.
    Edmund Clark, Group President and CEO TD Bank Group
    Frank McKenna, Deputy Chair TD Bank Group

    There are several American government officials and bureacrats participating, which is illegal and against the "Logan Act" [http://www.infowars.com/bilderberg-meeting-is-illegal/]

    Compared to the G8 and G20 meetings, these annual private club meetings probably have more of an effect on world affairs.

    Premier Redford states she will report back to the unsophisticated Alberta electorate, what discussions take place at this exclusive affair. She may have very little to say, as past participants have historically been tight-lipped. Bilderberg website claims: "It was felt that regular, off-the-record discussions would help create a better understanding of the complex forces and major trends affecting Western nations in the difficult post-war period." "... the privacy of the meetings, which has no purpose other than to allow participants to speak their minds openly and freely." ...
    "In short, Bilderberg is a small, flexible, informal and off-the-record international forum in which different viewpoints can be expressed and mutual understanding enhanced."

    Emphasis is expressed many times that the discussions at Biderberg meetings are "off-the-record".

    The news media here in Alberta has just reported Redford "is at an economic meeting in Chantilly, Virginia" (Calgary CTV 6 pm news) SHAME on CTV!! Are the media scared or paid off not to mention the Bilderberg Group Meetings?

    http://www.edmontonjournal.com/business/Alison Redford advancing Alberta interests elite gathering/6706093/story.html

    [quote from Edmonton Journal article]: "But speaking to reporters on Wednesday before leaving on her four-day trip, Redford said she won't keep secret what issues were discussed at Bilderberg, and "people who have a sophisticated approach to world affairs" understand there's meetings like this across the globe."

    Past meetings have seen leaks of information where-in some pretty interesting quotes have been reported, like David Rockerfellers infamous 1991 quote:
    "We are grateful to the Washington Post, The New York Times, Times Magazine and other great publications whose directs have attended our meetings and respected their promise of discretion for almost forty years. It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subject to the bright lights of publicity during those years. But the world is now more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The super-national sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferrable to the national auto-determination practiced in past centuries."

    Hmm, there's that word "sophisticated" again.

    ...that's directors [not directs] in the David Rockefeller's quote.

    www.infowars.com has alot of information on the past and present Bilderberg meetings, and the host Alex Jones is presently protesting outside of the Marriot Hotel in Chantilly, Virginia [location of 2012 mtg] - along with hundreds of other people. You can watch live streaming of the protestors et al. on the homepage.

    Please feel free to write letters to your local papers, to expose these crooks.


      I'm sure Alison Redford is a rising star for the puppet masters behind Bilderberg.

      Ms. Redford is a globalist and a committed UN proponent. She obviously is a full blown devotee to Agenda 21.

      It is unfortunate that many groups, including environmental groups, have been sucked into the rhetoric of "sustainable developement"?

      "Sustainable Developement" is in fact the end of all your rights as an individual. It is about controlling every aspect of your life and depopulating the rural areas so industrialization can take place.

      Basically it is back to a feudalist system, where your masters will decide how you live.


        TOTALLY. I hope there are enough of us to win this war. The land bills are a huge power grab. Control the land without owning it. I'm afraid it pretty much works for the urban majority. We've got to help them understand that the big government model has been tried and doesn't work. HT


          HT I agree with you and asrg 100% but just how do recommend the rural populus go about it. There is lots of time to prepare as the next election won't be for 4 more years. I sincerely think rural central and southern Alta. gave Redford the message by going all Wildrose but northern didn't wake up. I believe the Redford regime doesn't even damn about rural Alta. and thats not going to change.


            I think the Wildrose failed in urban areas because they
            treated the Land Bills as only rural issues which they
            are not. The rights to revoke property titles etc apply
            equally in Edmonton and Calgary - they are covered
            under the regional plans. I think this was a major
            policy miscalculation on behalf of the Wildrose. I
            mentioned this to Joe Anglin at least a year before the
            election and his feeling was they had to educate the
            rural voters on the issue first before tackling the
            urban ones - I don't think they ever followed through
            on the latter part.


              The "Land bills" are really property
              rights bills and have big implications
              across all sectors, locations,
              vocations, etc. I do believe they
              failed to educate the urban voters, but
              when looking at the results there were
              several ridings where individual
              candidates were not necessarily up to
              snuff. It seems the electorate voted
              against "Yahoos" in several ridings.
              The other area where I am pretty
              comfortable the WRP is missing the
              target is in the environmental area.
              Albertans had the highest percentage of
              votes for the Green Party of any
              province in the last federal election.
              I am not sure this coincides with the
              policy that the "science is still out on
              global climate change".


                Sean: As a rural resident and farmer......I think something is happening to the climate....this is just common sense....I see it.
                I'm not smart enough to know if pollution is causing it or if it is just a cycle?
                Whatever it is......I sure don't support pollution of any kind!
                When I go to downtown Calgary my eyes and nose start to run.... I know that is one place I sure don't want to be! Is it climate change...or just too many cars and people rammed into one place?
                My personal take on this is to err on the side of caution.........but don't try to blame a few old cows for all the bad things humans do?


                  I am convinced about climate change, and
                  I have a stack of scientific papers in
                  my basement over 3 feet high that agree
                  too. I also think the AB voter is
                  convinced about it and other
                  environmental issues. This is one area
                  where WRP lost ground in the last
                  election. Environment is a bigger issue
                  amongst the electorate in AB than almost
                  any other province.
                  I know our local candidate made a less
                  then environmentally sensitive remark to
                  me once and I would never vote for him
                  because of that viewpoint.


                    Sean: You may be entirely right. The scientific world seems to agree with you.

                    I guess I would ask is there a solution? How do we reduce our GH gas? Do we build more nuclear power plants like Fukashima? Do we eliminate 95% of the world population? Who decides?

                    How do we reconcile the extreme control necessary to achieve our "green goals" with the freedom of the individual and a market economy?

                    Is the choice either extinction or being a cog in the machine?


                      I would suggest the answer lies somewhere in
                      between the extremes you quote ASRG. I agree with
                      Sean on this one but the climate change proponents
                      did themselves a huge disservice with the dodgy
                      email scandal in England. If you go over to the
                      commodity forum you would be absolutely ridiculed
                      for suggesting that there is such a thing as human
                      influenced climate change. I think many have thrown
                      the baby out with the bathwater - whatever the exact
                      cause of climate change the general
                      recommendations to counter it being suggested a
                      decade ago still would be wise to implement. We have
                      got to become more sustainable in the way we live,
                      less reliant on fossil fuels. We cannot continue this
                      SUV culture in North America where people are using
                      5-6 litre trucks/SUVs as single passenger vehicles.
                      We need to price fuel substantially higher as a
                      deterrent and that will have a negative affect on farm
                      incomes but I feel it is a necessary evil.


                        I do agree there needs to be some changes.

                        I have some problems with adding a lot of costs to food production without some mechanism to keep that very production profitable? If we add large extra costs to Canadian food production, we might make that very production obsolete......do we then turn around and buy food from places that have no environmental protections?

                        The other problem I have with higher costs to reduce GHG is this: Will the government actually use these "taxes and offsets" to actually do anything, or will they just take the money and waste it? Will the extra money just go back to their corporate pals?

                        If GHG is such a problem why do we see so few incentives for things like solar/hydrogen cells/geothermal? All kinds of incentives for unconventional gas and oil (royalty reductions and holidays, C02 enhanced oil production for free) and yet little to help average Albertans really come up with practical solutions to their own dependence on fossil fuels?


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